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Fakultät Raumplanung

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann


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Thomas Hartmann hat ein besonderes Fachwissen und Forschungsinteresse in den Bereichen:

  • Bodenpolitik, Instrumente und Strategien der Bodenpolitik,
  • Hochwasserrisikomanagement, Widerstandsfähigkeit und Wassergovernance,
  • Gerechtigkeit und Ethik in der Raumplanung.

Thomas Hartmann ist außerdem der

  • ehemaliger Präsident (2020-2024) der International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR, www.plpr-association.org),
  • Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der IRWA Task Force LAND4FLOOD(www.land4flood.eu),
  • Vorsitzender der internationalen Arbeitsgruppe " Land Policies in Europe " der Deutschen Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL, www.arl-net.de).
  • Projektleiter des EU Horizon Projektes LAND4CLIMATE, gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (www.land4climate.eu)

Darüber hinaus ist er Mitherausgeber von WIRES Water und dem Journal of Flood Risk Management, neben anderen Redaktionsgremien.

Sie können ihn auf Englisch, Deutsch oder Niederländisch ansprechen.

Ordentlicher Professor an der TU Dortmund

Als Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bodenpolitik, Bodenmanagement und kommunales Vermessungswesen an der Fakultät Raumplanung beschäftigt er sich mit Strategien der kommunalen Bodenpolitik sowie mit Eigentumsrechten und Klimawandel, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem Hochwasserrisikomanagement.

Internationale Verbindungen

Thomas Hartmann ist auch als Gastprofessor an der tschechischen Jan Evangelista Purkyne Universität (UJEP) in Usti nad Labem, Fakultät für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, tätig. In den Wintersemestern 2015/2016 und 2017/2018 ist Thomas Hartmann Gastprofessor an der Universität Wien, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, wo er die Lehrveranstaltungen "Gerechtigkeit in der Stadt" und "Bodenpolitik für knappe Ressourcen" hält. Darüber hinaus unterrichtet Thomas Hartmann als Gastdozent an der Universität Bonn (Deutschland) im Masterstudiengang "Katastrophenvorsorge und -management" das Modul "Hochwasserrisikomanagement".

Accociate Professor an der Wageningen Univeristy

2018-2021 lehrte und forschte Thomas Hartmann als Associate Professor in der Land Use Planning Group an der Wageningen University.

Assistenzprofessor an der Universität Utrecht

Thomas Hartmann war von 2013-2018 Assistenzprofessor am Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning an der Universität Utrecht. Er ist aktives Mitglied des Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU), lehrte in den Studiengängen BSc Spatial Planning und MSc Spatial Planning und war Koordinator des Masterprogramms für Raumplanung.

Postdoc an der Universität Utrecht

Im Jahr 2010 begann er als Postdoc am Fachbereich Humangeographie und Raumplanung der Universität Utrecht. Er begann, Planungstheorie im BSc Planologie zu unterrichten und forschte zum Verhältnis von Land und Wasser aus verschiedenen Perspektiven.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Promotion an der TU Dortmund

Seit 2005 arbeitete Thomas Hartmann als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Bodenpolitik, Bodenmanagement und kommunales Vermessungswesen der Fakultät Raumplanung der TU Dortmund. Er unterrichtete und betreute verschiedene Lehrveranstaltungen, führte eigenständig und in Kooperation Forschungsarbeiten durch und arbeitete an seiner Promotion. Im Jahr 2009 schloss er seine Promotion zum Thema "Clumsy Floodplains - Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods" an der School of Spatial Planning der TU Dortmund ab und erhielt den akademischen Titel "Dr. rer.pol." (rerum politicarum). Während dieser Zeit verbrachte er einige Zeit als Gastwissenschaftler an der Radboud University Nijmegen.

Studium der Raumplanung

Thomas Hartmann ist Ingenieur der Raumplanung (Dipl.-Ing.) Er studierte an der TU Dortmund und der Universität Kaiserslautern. Seine Studienschwerpunkte waren Hochwasserschutz und Raumplanung.


Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Bouwmeester, Josje; Ay, Deniz; Hartmann, Thomas; Gerber, Jean-David (2024). Making room for affordable housing: Project-based negotiations between planning authorities and landowners in Dutch and Swiss densification. Land Use Policy. Impact Factor 7.1. In Press.

Snel, Karin; Priest, Sally; Hartmann, Thomas; Witte, Patrick; Geertman, Stan (2024). Tailored flood risk communication: Residents’ perspectives as starting point. Nature & Culture. Impact Factor: 0.970. In press.

Davids, Peter R.; Hartmann, Thomas; Ferreira, Carla S.S.; Kalantari, Zahra; Pereira, Paulo (2024): Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to nature-based flood risk management. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 100537. doi 10.1016/j.coesh.2024.100537.

Books chapters

Dyca, Besmira; Tempels, Barbara; Hartmann, Thomas (2024). Land Use Planning and Management for Flood Risk Management. In: Jessica Lamond, David Proverbs, Namrata Bhattacharya-Mis (eds): Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management. Edgar Elgar. (pp. 71-85).

Professional publications

Jüpner, Robert; Bachmann, Daniel; Christoffels, Ekkehard; Disse, Markus; Hartmann, Thomas; Helmerichs, Lars; Johann, Georg; Keyl, Marion; Kron, Wolfgang; Kuhlicke, Christian; Leandro, Jorge; Meinzinger, Franziska; Nowak, Malte; Pohl, Reinhard; Röllke, Susanne; Sahlbach, Tilo; Scheibel, Marc; Scheid, Christian; Sigmund, Sabine; Thaler, Thomas (2024). Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement. DWA-Themen, T2(2024).

Hartmann, Thomas (2024): Foreword. In: Walter Timo de Vries, Iwan Rudiarto und N.M.P. Milinda Piyasena (eds): Geospatial Science for Smart Land Management. Boca Raton: CRC Press, S. ix.


Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Meyer, Helene, & Hartmann, Thomas (2023). The FLOODLABEL as a social innovation in flood risk management to increase homeowners' resilience. Journal of Flood Risk Management, Article e12962. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12962

Junger, Lena; Davids, Peter, Hartmann, Thomas (2023). Multidimensional Resilience - Flood recovery on private land. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 96(10), 103993. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103993. Impact Factor: 4.842.

Hartmann, Thomas, Dembski, Sebastian, Hengstermann, Andreas, & Dunning, Richard (2023). Land for densification: how land policy and property matter. Town Planning Review, 94(5), 465–473. doi: 10.3828/tpr.2022.22

Dral, Gert Jan; Witte, Patrick A.; Hartmann, Thomas (2023): The impact of participatory decision-making on legitimacy in planning: It’s complexity, dilemma’s and tensions in the Dutch municipal planning context. disP - The Planning Review, 59 (1), 98–113. doi: 10.1080/02513625.2023.2229633.

Lacore, Peter; Hengstermann, Andreas; Jehling, Mathias; Hartmann, Thomas (2023). Compensating Downzoning. A comparative analysis of European compensation schemes in the light of net land neutrality. Planning Theory and Practice. doi: 10.1080/14649357.2023.2190152. Impact Factor: 4.339

Bouwmeester, Josje, Gerber, Jean-David, Hartmann, Thomas, & Ay, Deniz (2023). Non-compliance and non-enforcement: An unexpected outcome of flexible soft densification policy in the Netherlands. Land Use Policy, 126, 106525. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106525. Impact Factor: 6.189

Davids, Peter; Priest, Sally; Hartmann, Thomas (2023). On the horns of a dilemma: Experts as communicators for property-level flood risk adaptation measures. Journal of Flood Risk Management. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12881. Impact Factor: 3.564

Books & special issues

Hengstermann, Andreas, Wenner, Fabian, Jehling, Mathias, & Hartmann, Thomas (2023). Innovative Land Policies in Europe. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 81(6). doi:10.14512/rur.2246. SPECIAL ISSUE.

Vejchodská, Eliška; Hartmann, Thomas; Alterman, Rachelle (2023). Land value capture – dynamics and diversity of instruments and strategies. Town Planning Review, 94(2), 116-123. doi: 10.3828/tpr.2023.9. SPECIAL ISSUE.

Books chapters

Hartmann, Thomas & Maurer, Astrid (2023): Bodenpolitik und Wertermittlung. In: Schaper, Daniela, Aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Immobilienbewertung, Immobilienwirtschaft und Bodenpolitik - Festschrift für Wolfgang Kleiber zum 80. Geburtstag. Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie. DIA.

Dyca, Besmira; Tempels, Barbara; Hartmann, Thomas (2023). Land Use Planning and Management for Flood Risk Management. In: Jessica Lamond, David Proverbs, Namrata Bhattacharya-Mis (eds): Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management. Edgar Elgar. In press.

Professional publications

Jüpner, Robert; Bachmann, Daniel; Christoffels, Ekkehard; Disse, Markus; Hartmann, Thomas; Kron, Wolfgang; Leandro, Jorge; Pohl, Reinhard (2023). Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement – Bericht aus der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe HW 4-7. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 16(7), 410-414.

Künzel, Katharina; Hengstermann, Andreas; Hartmann, Thomas (2023). International reflections on Munich’s land policy. ARL Nachrichten, 2023(2-3), 64-66.

Weitkamp, Alexandra, & Hartmann, Thomas (2023). Preface. In Jean-Marie Halleux, Andreas Hendricks, Berit Nordahl, & Vida Maliene (Eds.), Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values across Europe (1st ed.). vdf Hochschulverlag.


Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Vejchodská, Eliška; Shahab, Sina; Hartmann, Thomas (2022): Revisiting the Purpose of Land Policy: Efficiency and Equity. Journal of Planning Literature 37(4), 575–588. doi: 10.1177/08854122221112667. Impact Factor: 4.621

Koelman, Mark; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2022). It’s not all about the money—landowner motivation and high voltage grid development, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2022.2093175. Impact Factor: 3.933.

Happel, Maaike; Orsi, Francesco; Hartmann, Thomas; Bakker, Martha (2022). Fertile ground, complex matter: Plurality of farmers’ attitudes towards green waste application as sustainable soil management. Sociologia Ruralis - Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology. 62(3), 509–541 Impact Factor: 2.812.

Keller, Nadine; Tempels, Barbara; Hartmann, Thomas (2022): The OECD Water Governance Principles in Flood Risk Management. Nature & Culture 17 (3), 314–336. doi: 10.3167/nc.2022.170304. Impact Factor: 0.970.

Potočki, Kristina; Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková, Lenka; Collentine, Dennis; Veidemane, Kristina; Raška, Pavel; Barstad, Johan; and Evans, Rhys (2022). Land Policy for Flood Risk Management – towards a new working paradigm. Earth’s Future, 10(4), e2021EF002491. doi: 10.1029/2021EF002491. Impact Factor: 7.495

Nouzari, Ehsan; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2022). Organizing support through interactive governance within flood risk management. Water International, 47 (3), pp. 400–418. doi: 10.1080/02508060.2022.2045859. Impact Factor: 2.663

Biswas, Sattwick Dey & Hartmann, Thomas (2022): Land valuation and land policy: implications of normative bias. Town Planning Review 93 (5), 457–463. doi: 10.3828/tpr.2022.93.issue-5

Raška, Pavel; Bezak, Nejc; Ferreira, Carla S.S.; Kalantari, Zahra; Banasik, Kazimierz; Bertola, Miriam, … Hartmann, Thomas (2022). Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 310(114725). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114725. Impact Factor: 6.789.

Jonkman, Arend; Meijer, Rick; Hartmann, Thomas (2022). Land for Housing: Quantitative targets and qualitative ambitions in Dutch housing development. Land Use Policy, 114(105957). doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105957. Impact Factor: 6.189

Koelman, Mark; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2022). When tensions become conflicts: Wind turbine policy implementation and development in the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(3), 375-397, doi: 10.1080/09640568.2021.1885018. Impact Factor: 2.093.

Books & special issues

Thaler, Thomas; Hartmann, Thomas, Slavíková, Lenka; Tempels, Barbara; (Eds.) (2022): Homeowners and the resilient city: Climate-driven natural hazards and private land. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková, Lenka; Wilkinson, Mark (Eds.) (2022): Spatial Flood Risk Management: Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ferreira, Carla S. S.; Kalantari, Zahra; Hartmann, Thomas; Pereira, Paulo (2022). Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation - Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects. Springer Nature: Cham (CH).

Witte, Patrick & Hartmann, Thomas (2022). An Introduction to Spatial Planning in the Netherlands. Oxon: Routledge.

Slavíková, Lenka; Hartmann, Thomas; Thaler, Thomas (2022). Financial Schemes for Flood Recovery and their Impact on Flood Resilience. Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance. Oxon: Routlegde.

Books chapters

Thaler, Thomas; Hartmann, Thomas, Slavíková, Lenka; Tempels, Barbara (2022): Introduction. In: Thaler et al. (eds.), Homeowners and the resilient city (pp. 1-15). Palgrave Macmillan.

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková; Lenka (2022). Resilient Flood Recovery–Financial Schemes for the Recovery-Mitigation Nexus. In: Thaler et al. (eds.), Homeowners and the resilient city (pp. 79-102). Palgrave Macmillan.

Thaler, Thomas; Hartmann, Thomas, Slavíková, Lenka; Tempels, Barbara (2022): Conclusion. In: Thaler et al. (eds.), Homeowners and the resilient city (pp. 289-296). Palgrave Macmillan.

Ataç, B.  Ayça, & Hartmann, Thomas (2022). Climate change and property rights: Challenges for land policy. In: P. Pereira & C. S. S. Ferreira (Eds.), Urban Soil and Water Degradation. Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/bs.apmp.2022.10.013

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková; Lenka; Wilkinson, Mark E. (2022). Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land. In: Hartmann et al. (eds.), Spatial Flood Risk Management (pp. 1-11). Edgar Elgar.

Hartmann, Thomas, Löschner, Lukas; Macháč, Jan (2022). Upstream-downstream schemes and its instruments. In: Hartmann et al. (eds.), Spatial Flood Risk Management (pp. 106-118). Edward Elgar.

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková; Lenka; Wilkinson, Mark E. (2022). Challenges of spatial flood risk management. In: Hartmann et al. (eds.), Spatial Flood Risk Management (pp. 164-170). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Hartmann, Thomas & Geertman, Stan (2022). Planning Theory. In J. Torfing & C. Ansell (Eds.), Handbook on Theories of Governance (2nd edition) (pp. 66-76). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Professional publications

Dworak, Linda; Sommer, Thomas; Schinke, Reinhard; Willkomm, Marlene; Simon, Stefan; Hartmann, Thomas; Strotmann, Reinhold (2022). Bauleitplanung. In Berhard Becker et al. (eds) Umgang mit hohen Grundwasserständen: Prozesse, Lösungsansätze, Fallbeispiele (pp. 69-71). BWK.

Slavíková, Lenka & Hartmann, Thomas (2022). Preface. In: Ferreira et al. (eds), Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation (ix-x). Springer Nature.

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2022). Towards understanding Land Policies in Europe - The International Working Group on Land Policies in Europe prepares next milestones. ARL Nachrichten, 52(1), 50.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Thaler, Thomas, Witte, Patrick A., Hartmann, Thomas, & Geertman, Stan C. M. (2021). Smart Urban Governance for Climate Change Adaptation. Urban Planning, 6(3), 223–226. doi: 10.17645/up.v6i3.4613

Götze, Vera & Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Why municipalities grow: The influence of fiscal incentives on municipal land policies in Germany and the Netherlands. Land Use Policy, 109(2021), 105681. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105681. Impact Factor: 6.189

Shahab, Sina, Hartmann, Thomas, & Jonkman, Arend (2021). Strategies of municipal land policies: housing development in Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands. European Planning Studies, 29(6), 1132–1150. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2020.1817867. Impact Factor: 2.226.

Snel, Karin; Priest, Sally; Hartmann, Thomas; Witte, Patrick; Geertman, Stan (2021). “Do the resilient things.” Residents’ perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England. Journal of Flood Risk Management. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12727. Impact factor: 3.066

Bosoni, Mattia; Tempels, Barbara; Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Understanding integration within the Dutch multi-layer safety approach to flood risk management. Journal of River Basin Management. doi: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1915321. Impact factor: 1.39.

Slavíková, Lenka, Hartmann, Thomas & Thaler, Thomas (2021). Paradoxes of financial schemes for resilient flood recovery of households. WIRES Water, 8(2), e1497. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1497. Impact factor: 4.436.

Albrecht, Juliane & Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Land for flood risk management – Instruments and strategies of land management for polders and dike relocations in Germany. Environmental Science & Policy, 118, 36–44. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.12.008. Impact factor: 4.767.

Löschner, Lukas; Hartmann, Thomas; Priest, Sally; Collentine, Dennis (2021). Editorial: Strategic Use of Instruments of Land Policy for Mobilising Private Land for Flood Risk Management. Environmental Science & Policy, 118, 45–48. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2021.01.009. Impact factor: 4.767

Books & special issues

Thaler, Thomas; Witte, Patrick A.; Hartmann, Thomas & Geertman, Stan C. M. (2021). Smart Urban Governance for Climate Change Adaptation. Urban Planning, 6(3), SPECIAL ISSUE.

Löschner, Lukas; Hartmann, Thomas; Priest, Sally; Collentine, Dennis (2021). Strategic Use of Instruments of Land Policy for Mobilising Private Land for Flood Risk Management. Environmental Science & Policy, 118, SPECIAL ISSUE. Impact factor: 4.767.

Hartmann, Thomas; Doorn-Hoekveld, Willemijn; van Rijswick, Marleen; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2021). Flood resilience of private properties. Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance. Oxon: Routlegde.

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2021). Actors of Land Policy. ARL Nachrichten, 51(3), 60.

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková, Lenka; Collentine, Dennis; Veidemane, Kristina; Potocki, Kristina; Barstad, Johan; Evans, Rhys (2021). Taking land seriously in spatial flood risk management. Policy brief on LAND4FLOOD – Natural Flood Retention on Private Land. IWRA Policy Brief, Green Series(12). www.iwra.org

Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Zoning as a political tool of planning: Book review Sclar, E., Baird-Zars, B., Fischer, L. A., Stahl, V. E. (eds.) (2020). Zoning: A guide for 21st-century planning. Rooilijn - tijdschrift voor wetenschap en beleid in de ruimtelijke ordening. Online: www.rooilijn.nl.

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2021). Developing the rules of the game Report on Online Workshop of the International Working Group (IAK) Land Policies in Europe, 29. October 2020. ARL Nachrichten, 3(50), 74-75.

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2021). PLPR – annual conference 2021: Online Sessions zu Planning, Law, and Property Rights. ARL Nachrichten, 3(50), 95.

Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Statements on Planning, Law, and Property Rights. ARL Nachrichten, 3(50), 96.

Hengstermann, Andreas & Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Grund zum Wohnen – Das Baulandmobilisierungsgesetz aus internationaler Perspektive. pnd rethinking planning, 2021(1), doi: 10.18154/RWTH-2021-01677 .

Hengstermann, Andreas & Hartmann, Thomas (2021). Kohärente Planungsdidaktik – Eine Würdigung des Projektstudiums. Raumplanung, 210(1), 21-25.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Duivenvoorden, Eva; Hartmann, Thomas; Brinkhuijsen, Marlies; Hesselmans Ton (2020). Managing public space – A blind spot of urban planning and design. Cities. doi:  10.1016/j.cities.2020.103032. Impact Factor: 4.802.

Bouwmeester, Josje & Hartmann, Thomas (2020). Unraveling the Self-Made City: The Spatial Impact of Informal Real Estate Markets in Informal Settlements. Cities. doi:  10.1016/j.cities.2020.102966. Impact Factor: 2.449.

Keller, Nadine & Hartmann, Thomas (2020). OECD Water Governance principles on the local scale – an exploration in Dutch water management. International Journal of River Basin Management 18(4), 439-444. doi: 10.1080/07900627.2019.1566055

Debrunner, Gabriela; Hartmann, Thomas. (2020). Strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing – Coping with social challenges under scarce land conditions in Swiss cities. Land Use Policy (99). doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104993. Impact Factor: 6.189

Nouzari, Ehsan; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2020). Interactive governance for satisfaction measurements: stakeholder involvement in design processes for flood risk management. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 13(4), e12650. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12650. Impact Factor: 3.240

Rufat, Samuel; Fekete, Alexander; Armas, Iuliana; Hartmann, Thomas; Kuhlicke, Christian; Prior, Tim; Thaler, Thomas; Wisner, Biswas (2020) Swimming alone? Why linking flood risk perception and behaviour requires more than “it’s the individual, stupid”. WIREs Water, 7(5). Doi: doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1462. Impact factor: 4.436.

Hartmann, Thomas; Jüpner, Robert (2020). Implementing resilience in flood risk management. Editorial Commentary. WIREs Water. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1465. Impact factor: 4.436.

Jehling, Mathias; Schorcht, Martin; Hartmann, Thomas (2020): Densification in suburban Germany: approaching policy and space through concepts of justice. Town Planning Review 91(3), 217–237. doi: 10.3828/tpr.2020.13 .

Dembski, Sebastian; Hartmann, Thomas; Hengstermann, Andreas; Dunning, Richard (2020). Introduction: Enhancing understanding of strategies of land policy for urban densification. Town Planning Review 91(3), 209–216. DOI: 10.3828/tpr.2020.12 .

Thaler, Thomas; Doorn, Neelke; Hartmann, Thomas (2020). Justice of compensation for spatial flood risk management – comparing the flexible Austrian and the structured Dutch approach. Die ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 151(2-3). Impact Factor: 0.641.

Snel, Karin; Witte, Patrick; Hartmann, Thomas & Geertman, Stan (2020). The shifting position of homeowners in flood resilience: from recipients to key-stakeholders. WIRES Water. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1451. Impact factor: 4.436.

Attems, Marie-Sophie; Thaler, Thomas; Snel, Karin; Davids, Peter; Hartmann, Thomas; Fuchs, Sven (2020). The influence of tailored risk communication on individual adaptive behaviour. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101618. Impact Factor: 2.568.

Slavíková, Lenka; Hartmann, Thomas; Thaler, Thomas (2020): Financial schemes for resilient flood recovery. Environmental Hazards, 19 (3), 223–227. doi: 10.1080/17477891.2019.1703624. Impact Factor: 1.366.

Van den Hoek, Duncan; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2020). Certain flexibilities in land-use plans. Towards a method for measuring the amount of flexibility. Land Use Policy. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104497. Impact Factor: 6.189

Disse, M., Johnson, T. G., Leandro, J., & Hartmann, T. (2020). Exploring the relation between flood risk management and flood resilience. Water Security, 9, 100059. doi: 10.1016/j.wasec.2020.100059 .

Books & special issues

Slavíková, Lenka; Hartmann, Thomas; Thaler, Thomas (2020). Financial Schemes for Resilient Flood Recovery. Environmental Hazards, 19(3). SPECIAL ISSUE.

Hartmann, Thomas; Jüpner, Robert (2020). Implementing resilience in flood risk man-agement. WIREs Water. Curated SPECIAL COLLECTION. Impact factor: 4.436.

Dembski, Sebastian; Hartmann, Thomas; Hengstermann, Andreas & Dunning, Richard (2020). Enhancing understanding of strategies of land policy for urban densification. Town Planning Review, 91(3). SPECIAL ISSUE.

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas; Doorn-Hoekveld, Willemijn; van Rijswick, Marleen; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2020). Policy Brief No. 15: Flood-resilient cities start at home. IWRA Policy Brief, Blue Series(15). www.iwra.org

Esmail, Ahmed; Takx, Simone; Marlies, Brinkhuijsen; Hartmann, Thomas; Hesselmans, Ton; Oosterhoff, Wiebe (2020). Openbare ruimte beheren en vernieuwen. Rooilijn - tijdschrift voor wetenschap en beleid in de ruimtelijke ordening, 53(1), 18-25.

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2020). Internationale Impulse für die deutsche Bodenpolitik. Bericht zum Sondierungsworkshop des Internationalen Arbeitskreises (IAK) "Bodenpolitische Impulse für effektives Flächenmanagement", in Mannheim, 29.-30. August 2019. ARL Nachrichten, 2(49), 60-61.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Fekete, Alex; Hartmann, Thomas; Jüpner, Robert (2019). Resilience: On-going Wave or Subsiding Trend in Flood Risk Research and Practice? WIREs Water.
doi: 10.1002/wat2.1397. Impact factor: 4.436.

Snel, Karin; Witte, Patrick; Hartmann; Thomas & Geertman, Stan (2019). More than a one-size-fits-all approach - Tailoring flood risk communication to plural homeowner perspectives. Water International 44(5), 554-570. Impact Factor: 1.885.

Hartmann, Thomas & Jehling, Mathias (2019). From diversity to justice – Unraveling pluralistic rationalities in urban design. Cities, 91, 58-63. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2018.02.009 Impact Factor: 2.449.

Delphine, Delphine; Witte, Patrick; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo & Zoomers, Annelies (2019). For the Greater Good? —A Critical Reflection on Assessing Indirect Economic Effects Caused by Large Transport Projects. Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 09(02), 135–156. doi.org/10.4236/ojce.2019.92010

Nouzari, Ehsan; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2019). The Usefulness of Interactive Governance for Underground Planning. Nature & Culture, 14(2),147–167. doi:10.3167/nc.2019.140203. Impact Factor: 1.931.

Scholten, Tom; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2019). The Spatial Component of Integrative Water Resources Management. Differentiating Integration of Land and Water Governance. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 36(5), 800-817. doi: 10.1080/07900627.2019.1566055. Impact Factor: 2.081.

Books & special issues

Hartmann, Thomas; Viglione, Alberto (2019). Understanding and Managing Floods: an Interdisciplinary Challenge. WIREs Water. Curated SPECIAL COLLECTION. Impact factor: 4.436

Hartmann, Thomas; Doorn-Hoekveld, Willemijn; van Rijswick, Marleen; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2019). Flood resilience of private properties. Water International 44(5). SPECIAL ISSUE. Impact Factor: 1.885

Hartmann, Thomas; Basta, Claudia; Moroni, Stefano (2019). People making cities – cities making justice: Jane Jacobs, ethics and justice. Cities, 91. SPECIAL ISSUE. Impact Factor: 2.449.

Hartmann, Thomas; Slavíková, Lenka ; McCarthy, Simon (2019). Nature-based Flood Risk Management on Private Land - Disciplinary Perspectives on a Multidisciplinary Challenge. Springer Nature.

Book Chapters

Thaler, Thomas; Shively, David; Petersen-Perlman, Jacob; Slavikova, Lenka; Hartmann, Thomas (2019). Collective Choices Affecting Natural Hazards Governance, Risk, and Vulnerability. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.142

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas (2019). Book Review: Cities, Economic Inequality and Justice: Reflections and Alternative Perspectives, Edwin Buitelaar, Anet Weterings and Roderik Ponds, Abingdon, Routledge, 2018. Town Planning Review (TPR), 90(5), 581–583.

Nieland, Elin, Meijer, Rick, Jonkman, Arend, & Hartmann, Thomas. (2019). Wat is er gebeurd met Planners’ Paradise? Een analyse van Nederlands gemeentelijk grondbeleid. In G. Bouma, B. Boonstra, & E. Vanempten (Eds.), Meer met Meer: Bijdragen aan de Plandag 2019 (pp. 30–37). Groningen: InPlanning.

Hartmann, Thomas (2019). Hochwasserrisikovorsorge – ein bodenpolitisches Thema! Zur Rolle von Eigentum im Hochwasserrisikomanagement. RaumPlanung 2019(2), 20-25.

Nieland, Elin; Meijer, Rick; Jonkman, Arend; Hartmann, Thomas (2019). Grond voor wonen – versnellen, verdichten, verduurzamen. Rooilijn - tijdschrift voor wetenschap en beleid in de ruimtelijke ordening, 49(1), 58-63.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Koelman, Mark; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2018). Land Use Conflicts  in the Energy Transition: Dutch Dilemma’s. TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 11(3), 273-284.

Hartmann, Thomas & Tejo J.M. Spit (2018). Editorial: Dynamics of land policies – Triggers and implications. Land Use Policy´, 77(2018), 775-777. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.042. Impact Factor: 6.189

Van Oosten, Thomas; Witte, Patrick; Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Active land policy in small municipalities in the Netherlands: “We don’t do it, unless...”. Land Use Policy´, 77(2018), 829-836. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.10.029. Impact Factor: 6.189

Hartmann, Thomas; van Straalen, Fennie; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2018) Expectation management at the local scale: Legal failure of public participation for large urban planning projects. TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 11(1), 133-145 doi: dx.doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/5369

Rindrasih, Erda; Hartmann, Thomas; Witte, Patrick & Zoomers, Annelies (2018). Travelling without a helmet - Tourists’ Vulnerabilities and Responses to Disasters in Indonesia. Disasters. doi: 10.1111/disa.12281. Impact Factor: 1.255.

Hartmann, Thomas, Jirina Jílková; Schanze, Jochen (2018). Editorial: Land for Flood Risk Management: A catchment-wide and cross-disciplinary perspective. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(1), 3-5. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12344. Impact Factor: 3.121.

Books & special issues

Needham, Barrie; Buitelaar, Edwin; Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Planning, Law and Economics: The Rules We Make for Using Land (2nd edition). Abington: Routledge.    

Hartmann, Thomas, Jirina Jílková; Schanze, Jochen (2018). Land for Flood Risk Management: A catchment-wide and cross-disciplinary perspective. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(1). SPECIAL ISSUE. Impact Factor: 3.121.

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2018). SPECIAL SECTION on Dynamics of Land Policies – Triggers and Implications. Land Use Policy, 77(2018). Impact Factor: 6.189

Gerber, Jean-David; Hartmann, Thomas; Hengstermann, Andreas (eds) (2018). Instruments of Land Policy – Dealing with Scarcity of Land. Abington: Routledge.       

  • Hartmann, Thomas & Gerber, Jean-David (2018). Land, scarcity, and property rights. In: Gerber et al. (eds) Instruments of Land Policy (pp. 3-7). Abington: Routledge.
  • Hengstermann, Andreas & Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Instruments of land policy – four types of intervention. In: Gerber et al. (eds) Instruments of Land Policy (pp. 27-32). Abington: Routledge.
  • Gerber, Jean-David; Hartmann, Thomas; Hengstermann, Andreas (2018). Planning with or against property rights. In: Gerber et al. (eds) Instruments of Land Policy (pp. 337-349).  Abington: Routledge.       

van Straalen, Fennie; Hartmann, Thomas; Sheehan, John (eds), (2018). Property rights and climate change. Land-use under changing environmental conditions. Abington: Routledge.

  • van Straalen, Fennie; Hartmann, Thomas; Sheehan, John (2018) Changing environmental conditions, property rights and land-use planning. In van Straalen et al. (eds), Property rights and climate change (pp. 1-10). Abington: Routledge.
  • Hartmann, Thomas; van Straalen, Fennie; Sheehan, John (2018) The social construction of changing environmental conditions. In van Straalen et al. (eds), Property rights and climate change (pp. 182-190). Abington: Routledge

Book Chapters

Holtslag-Broekhof, Sanne; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2018). Compulsory acquisition in the Netherlands. In Glen Searle (ed.) Compulsory Property Acquisition for Densification. (pp. 20-29). Abington: Routledge.

Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Ethik in der Raumplanung. In Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (eds), Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung. (pp. 571-576). Hannover: ARL.

Scholten, Tom, & Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Flood resilience and legitimacy: An exploration of Dutch flood risk management. In E.-M. Trell, B. Restemeyer, M. M. Bakema, & B. van Hoven (Eds.), Governing for Resilience in Vulnerable Places (pp. 77–91). Oxon: Routledge.

Professional publications

Cross, Katharine et al. (2018). Action Agenda for Basin-Connected Cities - Influencing and Activating Urban Stakeholders to be Water Stewards in their Basins. IWA. Available at: http://www.iwa-network.org/projects/basin-action-agenda

Jüpner, Robert; Bachmann, Daniel; Fekete, Alexander; Hartmann, Thomas; Pohl, Reinhard; Schmitt, Theo; Schulte, Achim (2018). Resilienz im Hochwasserrisikomanagement. Korrespondenz Abfallwirtschaft 2018(11). 656-663.

Scheffer, Niklas & Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Das „Wiener Modell“ – Eine gerechte Wohnungspolitik? RaumPlanung 199(6), 50-54.

Hartmann, Thomas & Slavíková, Lenka (2018). How Private Land Matters in Flood Risk Management. IWRA Policy Brief.

Kaufmann, Maria, & Hartmann, Thomas (2018). Die Niederlande und Wasser: vom technischen Küstenschutz zum Deltaprogramm im Hinterland. Geographische Rundschau, 2018(3), 20–25.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Thaler, Thomas; Löschner, Lukas; Hartmann, Thomas (2017): The introduction of catchment-wide co-operations: Scalar reconstructions and transformation in Austria in flood risk management. In Land Use Policy 68, pp. 563–573. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.08.023. Impact Factor: 6.189

Machác, Jan; Hartmann, Thomas; Jilkova, Jirina (2017). Negotiating land for flood risk management – Upstream-downstream in the light of economic game theory. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(19; 66-75. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12317. Impact Factor: 3.121

Roos, Matthijs; Hartmann, Thomas; Spit, Tejo J.M. & Johann, Georg (2017). Constructing Risks – Internalisation of Flood Risks in the Flood Risk Management Plan. Environmental Science and Policy, 74, 23-29. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2017.04.007. Impact Factor: 3.018

Gerber, Jean-David; Narath, Stéphane; Hartmann, Thomas (2017). The strategic use of time-limited property rights in land-use planning. Evidence from Switzerland. Environment and Planning A, 49(7), 1684-1703. doi: 10.1177/0308518X17701916. Impact Factor: 1.389

Saputra, Erlis; Hartmann, Thomas; Zoomers, Annelies; Spit, Tejo J.M. (2017). Fighting the ignorance: The response to land subsidence by public authorities and land users in Indonesia. American Journal of Climate Change. 6(1): 1-21. doi: 10.4236/ajcc.2017.61001 .

Professional publications

Jehling, Mathias, & Hartmann, Thomas (2017). Gerechtigkeit und Infrastrukturplanung. Politische Studien 2017(475) 80–88.

Hartmann Thomas & Basta, Claudia (2017). International conference ‘Jane Jacobs 100’ in Delft, The Netherlands, 24–25 May 2016. Town Planning Review (TPR). Town Planning Review (TPR). 88(2).

Jehling, Mathias, & Hartmann, Thomas (2017). Widerspruch und Überlagerung: räumliche Szenarien zur Gerechtigkeit. In W. de Vries (Ed.), Attraktiv und lukrativ. Ideelle und finanzielle Wertschätzungen Ländlicher Räume. Materialiensammlung des Lehrstuhls für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung: Vol. 49 (pp. 22–25). München: Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Schmitt, Sarah Maria & Hartmann, Thomas (2016). Clumsy city by design – a theory for Jane Jacobs’ imperfect cities? Urban Planning, 1(4): 42-50. 

Thaler, Thomas & Hartmann, Thomas (2016). Justice and flood risk management: Reflecting on different approaches to distribute and allocate flood risk management in Europe. Natural Hazards. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2305-1. Impact Factor: 1.833

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2016). Legitimizing differentiated flood protection levels - Consequences of the European flood risk management plan. Environmental Science & Policy. 361-367. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.013. Impact Factor: 3.751

van Ruiten, Leon & Hartmann, Thomas (2016). The spatial turn and the scenario approach in flood risk management – Implementing the European Floods Directive in the Netherlands. AIMS Environmental Science. 3(4): 697-713.

Books & special issues

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (eds) (2016). Frontiers of Land and Water Governance in Urban Regions. Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance. Oxon: Routlegde.

  • Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2016). Introduction. In Hartmann. T. & Spit, T.J.M. (eds) Frontiers of Land and Water Governance in Urban Regions (pp. 1-7). Oxon: Routlegde.
  • Tempels, Barbara & Hartmann, Tejo J.M. (2016). A co-evolving frontier between land and water – Dilemmas of flexibility versus robustness in flood risk management. In Hartmann. T. & Spit, T.J.M. (eds) Frontiers of Land and Water Governance in Urban Regions (pp. 82-93). Oxon: Routlegde.

Book Chapters

Hartmann, Thomas, & Geertman, Stan (2016). Planning Theory. In J. Torfing & C. Ansell (Eds.), Handbook on Theories of Governance (pp. 61-70). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Professional publications

Roomer, Manou & Hartmann, Thomas (2016). Maatwerk als redding van welstand? Rooilijn - tijdschrift voor wetenschap en beleid in de ruimtelijke ordening, 49(1), 58-63.

Jehling, Mathias & Hartmann Thomas (2016). Land governance: The LANDac conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 8–10 July 2015. Town Planning Review (TPR). 87(1), 99-104.

Hartmann, Thomas, and Scheibel, Marc (2016). Flood Label for buildings – a tool for more flood-resilient cities. E3S Web of Conferences, 7, 13006. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20160713006

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2015). Towards an integrated water management - Comparing German and Dutch water law from a spatial planning perspective. International Journal of Water Governance. 3(2), 59–78. doi: 10.7564/14-IJWG68 .

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2015). Implementing European climate adaptation policy - How local policymakers react to European policy. TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 7 (1), 51-68. doi: 10.6092/1970-9870/2918

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2015). Implementing the European Flood Risk Management Plan. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2015.1012581. Impact Factor: 1.560

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2015). Dilemmas of involvement in land management – Comparing an active (Dutch) and a passive (German) approach. Land Use Policy, 42, 729–737. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.10.004. Impact Factor: 6.189

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas & Jílková, Jirina (2015). Wasser-Governance matters. Nachrichten der ARL, 3(2015), 45-46.

Hartmann, Thomas, & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2015). Theorie toepasbaar op praktijk: planologie in Utrecht. Rooilijn - tijdschrift voor wetenschap en beleid in de ruimtelijke ordening, 48(1), 32-37.

Hengstermann, Andreas & Hartmann, Thomas (2015). From Control to Co-Evolution TPR conference report on AESOP 2014. Town Planning Review (TPR), 86 (1). 103-108. 

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Tempels, Barbara, & Hartmann, Thomas (2014). A co-evolving frontier between land and water: dilemmas of flexibility versus robustness in flood risk management. Water International, 39(6), 872–883. doi: 10.1080/02508060.2014.958797. Impact Factor: 1.538

Hartmann, Thomas & Hengstermann, Andreas (2014). Territorial cohesion through spatial policies - An analysis with Cultural Theory and clumsy solutions. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 8(1), 30-49.

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2014). Capacity Building for the Integration of Climate Adaptation into Urban Planning Processes: The Dutch Experience. American Journal of Climate Change, 03(03), 245-252.  

Donders, Maud A.R.T., Hartmann, Thomas & Kokx, Anita J.M.C. (2014). E-participation in urban planning: Getting and keeping citizens involved. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(2), 54-69. doi: 10.4018/ijepr.2014040104  

Hartmann, Thomas & Albrecht, Juliane (2014). From flood protection to flood risk management: Condition-based and performance-based regulations in German water law. Journal of Environmental Law, 26(2), 243-268. doi: 10.1093/jel/equ015. Impact Factor: 1.021 

Hartmann, Thomas & Juepner, Robert (2014). The Flood Risk Management Plan – An essential step towards the institutionalization of a paradigm shift. International Journal of Water Governance, 2(1), 107-118.

Books & special issues

Hartmann, Thomas, & Spit, Tejo J.M. (eds.) (2014). Frontiers of land and water governance in urban regions. Water International, 39(6).  SPECIAL ISSUE. Impact Factor: 1.538

Hartmann, Thomas, & Jüpner, Robert (eds.) (2014). The European flood risk management plan: Between spatial planning and water engineering. Journal of Flood Risk Management, SPECIAL ISSUE.  Impact Factor: 3.121

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas, & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2014). Book Review: M. Reimer, P. Getimis and H. Blotevogel: Spatial planning systems and practices in Europe: A comparative perspective on continuity and changes. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. doi: 10.1007/s10901-014-9422-5  

Hartmann, Thomas, & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2014). Policy Brief No. 3: Land and Water Governance in Urban Regions. IWRA: www.iwra.org.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Hartmann, Thomas & Driessen, Peter P.J. (2013).The Flood Risk Management Plan: Towards spatial water governance. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12077.  Impact Factor: 3.121

Book Chapters

Hartmann, Thomas (2013). Der Steuerungsansatz des Hochwasserrisikomanagementplanes zum Zusammenspiel von Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft. In V. Lüderitz, A. Dittrich, R. Jüpner, A. Schulte, F. Reinstorf & B. Ettmer (Eds.), Die Elbe im Spannungsfeld von Hochwasserschutz, Naturschutz und Schifffahrt (pp. 126-142). Magdeburg: Shaker.

Hartmann, Thomas & Juepner, Robert (2013). Der Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan; Herausforderung für Wasserwirtschaft und Raumplanung. In J. Stamm & K. Graw (Eds.), Technischer und organisatorischer Hochwasserschutz (pp. 183-192). Dresden: IWD. 

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2013). Buchrezension: van der Cammen, H.; de Klerk, L.; Dekker, G.; Witsen, Peter P. (2013): The Selfmade Land: Culture and Evolution of Urban and Regional Planning in the Netherlands. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 71(5), 437-438. 

Klee, Andreas, Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2013). Sustainable governance of land and water - ARL Summer School 2013. ARL Nachrichten, 43(4), 12-14.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Hartmann, Thomas (2012).Wicked problems and clumsy solutions: Planning as expectation management. Planning Theory, 11(3), 242-256.  Impact Factor: 1.409 

Books & special issues

Hartmann, Thomas & Needham, Barrie (eds) (2012). Planning by law and property rights reconsidered. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.

  • Hartmann, Thomas & Needham, Barrie (2012). Introduction: Why reconsider planning by law and property rights? In T. Hartmann & B. Needham (Eds.), Planning by law and property rights reconsidered (pp. 1-22). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. 
  • Needham, Barie & Hartmann, Thomas (2012). Conclusion. In T. Hartmann & B. Needham (Eds.), Planning by law and property rights reconsidered (pp. 219-228). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
  • Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2012). Managing riverside property: Spatial water management in Germany from a Dutch perspective. In T. Hartmann & B. Needham (Eds.), Planning by law and property rights reconsidered (pp. 97-116). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. 

Book Chapters

Hartmann, Thomas (2012). Land policy for German rivers: Making space for the rivers. In J.F. Warner, A. van Buuren & J. Edelenbos (Eds.), Making space for the river: Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe (pp. 121-133). London: IWA. 

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas (2012). Rationaliteiten in ruimtelijke planvorming: Een theoretisch perspectief op participatiemanagement vanuit de burger. Bestuurswetenschappen, 6, 36-51.

Hartmann, Thomas & Spit, Tejo J.M. (2012). Book review: Strong stories - How the Dutch are reinventing spatial planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 32(4), 502-504. 

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Hartmann, Thomas (2011). Den Flüssen mehr Raum geben - Umsetzungsrestriktionen in Recht und Praxis. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 69(4), 257-268. doi: 10.1007/s13147-011-0091-5

Hartmann, Thomas (2011). Contesting land policies for space for rivers - Rational, viable, and clumsy floodplain management. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 4(3), 165-175. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2011.01101.x. Impact Factor: 3.121


Hartmann, Thomas (2011). Clumsy Floodplains. Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods. Farnham Surrey: Ashgate.

Professional publications

Hartmann, Thomas (2011). Verzwickte Flussgemeinschaft - Warum es so schwierig ist, den Flüssen Raum zu geben. Conference proceedings Internationalen Rheinkonferenz: Zukunft Rhein 2010 (17-19 November, 2010) (pp. 74-75). Bonn: Regionale 2010, Internationalen Rheinkonferenz: Zukunft Rhein 2010.

Hartmann, Thomas & Filius, Friedel C. (2011). Geo-risico governance - ruimtelijke planning voor het onverwachte. In G. Bouma, F. Filius, E. Vanempten & B. Waterhout (eds.), Planning van de toekomst (pp. 377-385). Bruxelles: Plandag 2011.

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)

Hartmann, Thomas (2010). Reframing polyrational floodplains - land policy for large areas for temporary emergency retention. Nature and Culture, 5(1), 15-30. doi: 10.3167/nc.2010.050102. Impact Factor: 1.931

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Academic publications (international, peer-reviewed)


Hartmann, Thomas (2009).

Clumsy floodplains and the law: Towards a responsive land policy for extreme floods. Built E

Seit 2023          
Mitglied in Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte in der Stadt Hagen.

Seit 2021
stellvertretender Vorsitzender der IWRA Task Force LAND4FLOOD "Natural Flood Retention on Private Land", www.land4flood.eu.

Mitglied der Working Group (creative practices, arts and outreach) of COST Action SHiFT (CA21166) “Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”, https://shift-cost.eu/.

Beirat des Horizon 2020 Projektes SUMEX zum Thema SUstainable Management in EXtractive Industries.

Mentor beim PhD Workshop der International Academic Association on Planung, Recht und Eigentumsrechte.

Mitglied des Programmausschusses der Konferenz "Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships - URP2020".

Mentor beim PhD e-Seminar der AESOP(Association of European Schools of Planning).

Mentor für die(virtuelle) Expert Clinic der AESOP Young Academics (Association of European Schools of Planning).

2020 - 2024
Präsident der International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights(www.plpr-association.org).

Mitglied des Akademischen Beirats im Projekt zur Politikkoordination im Hochwasserrisikomanagement an der BOKU, Wien, AT.

Mentor des PhD-Workshops in Italien bei der AESOP Young Academics (Association of European Schools of Planning)

seit 2019
Work Package Leader der Expertengruppe "Resilienz im Hochwasserrisikomanagement" der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser- und Abfallwirtschaft (DWA)

2018 - 2021
Mitglied der Periodiek Overleg Planologie (regelmäßiges Treffen der niederländischen Planungsprofessoren)

2017 - 2021
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der COST Action "LAND4FLOOD - Natural Flood Risk Management on Private Land " www.land4flood.eu

2017 - 2022
Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe "Hohes Grundwasser" des Bundesverbandes der Umweltingenieure (BWK).

Mitglied des Organisationskomitees der LANDac-Konferenz- conference on Land Governance, Utrecht, NL (Juni 2017).

Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Projekts RegioFlood an der BOKU, Wien, AT.

2016 - 2020
Vizepräsident der International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights(www.plpr-association.org).

2016 - 2018
Controller & Projektleiter des Projekts HochwasserPass (Floodlabel) bei HKC(www.hkc-online.de).

2015 - 2019
Niederländischer Vertreter des Management Committee COST Action "Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects" (INOGOV).

2015 - 2017
Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats im Projekt "Grenzüberschreitendes Hochwasserrisikomanagement", finanziert durch das tschechische Ministerium für Bildung.

2015 - 2018
Hauptansprechpartner des Department für Sozialgeographie und Planung der Universität Utrecht (NL) in der AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning).

Mitglied der internationalen Expertengruppe für die Kommunikation der Komplexität des Klimawandels (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut IREUS, Stuttgart, und der Deutschen Akademie für Raumordnung und Landeskunde, ARL).

Mitglied in der OECD Water Governance Initiative. 2015 wurden die Water Governance Principles von den 34 Mitgliedsstaaten der OECD ratifiziert.

Mitglied der Expertengruppe für die Einführung der Baulandumlegung in den Niederlanden im niederländischen Kataster.

2014 - 2016
Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe "Grundstücksverfügbarkeit für hydromorphologische Maßnahmen" der Bundesvereinigung der Umweltingenieure (BWK).

2010 - 2014
Generalsekretär der International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights(www.plpr-association.org).

2008 - 2010
PhD-Koordinator der International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights(www.plpr-association.org).

2007 - 2023
Sprecher des Beirats des Deutschen HochwasserKompetenzCentrums ( www.hkc-online.de).

07/2023 – heute
Stellv. Mitglied im Promotionsausschuss der Fakultät Raumplanung an der TU Dortmund.

07/2022 – heute
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats der Fakultät Raumplanung an der TU Dortmund.

07/2022 – heute
Vertrauensdozent für Studienstipendien

07/2022 – heute
Koordinator für die SPRING-Partnerschaft mit Ghana

seit 2024 Mitglied im Ausschuss Geodäsie der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (DGK)

seit 2021 Mitglied im Informationskreis für Raumplanung (IfR)

seit 2021 Mitglied der AESOP-Themengruppe "Planungstheorien"

seit 2020 Fellow von NORMACTIVITY - Research Network on Human and Non-Human Normativity (www.normactivity.com)

seit 2016 Mitglied der AESOP-Themengruppe "Ethics, Values & Planning"

seit 2014 IWRA (International Water Resource Association)

seit 2014 Food, Energy, Environment & Water (FE²W) Network

seit 2008 Gründungsmitglied der AESOP-Gruppe "Risk Resilience & Mitigation Strategies".

seit 2007 Gründungsmitglied der International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (www.plpr-association.org).

seit 2007 Gründungsmitglied des HochwasserKompetenzCentrums (HKC)

seit 2006 AESOP Young Academics Network

2005-2015 Junges Forum, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL)

PodCast Becoming a post-growth planner - obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices, https://open.spotify.com/episode/5lOX2QK2KtZOgQ996dULuL

PodCast “SUMEX – Sustainable Mining of Extratrive Industries: Land Use Planning”, 24.04.2023, efgeocloud.eu/s/PtE7CQCTRYwH8L9.

PodCast “Wasser Marsch - Der Hochwasserschutz-Podcast”. Gerald Hübner Hochwasserschutz, 26.08.2022

“Technische Universität Dortmund und Stadt Büren führen Forschungsarbeit durch”. PaderZeitung, 04.02.2022

“Openbare Ruimte vraagt om goeroes Managing Public Space”. Interview about Managing Public Space with Verkeerskunde, 19.02.2021, www.verkeerskunde.nl/2021/1MPS

Statements on Planning video series on Planning, Law, and Property Rights produced in collaboration of the PLPR and ARL. Interviews by Thomas Hartmann

How do planning, law, and property rights matter? youtu.be/7KsIBMO9QgM

What are relevant topics of planning, law, and property rights? youtu.be/xfFkMaEyC1A

Why should this be discussed internationally? youtu.be/I4iQQrvavwo

“De emancipatie van beheer - Programma Managing Public Space zet een ‘academische kop’ op beheer”. Interview about Managing Public Space with Stadswerk, January 2021.

“Transparantie en organische ontwikkeling als basis”. Interview about land readjustment in Germany in the ROMagazine, 01.08.2019.

“Nieuwe leerstoel beheer 3.0”. Interview with Binnenlands Bestuur, 17.09.2019

“Mehr oder weniger? Raumentwicklung braucht Postwachstum!“. Video contribution to the ARL-Kongress 2019 (https://www.arl-net.de/blog/arl-kongress-2019-im-rückblick).

“Onderzoekers: woningbouw versnellen kan niet zonder concessies van gemeenten”. Gebiedsontwikkeling.nu, 29 April 2019 (https://www.gebiedsontwikkeling.nu/artikelen/onderzoekers-woningbouw-versnellen-kan-niet-zonder-concessies-van-gemeenten/)

“Versnellen van de woningbouwproductie: wens of realiteit?”. 17 April 2019, Platform31 (https://www.platform31.nl/nieuws/versnellen-van-de-woningbouwproductie-wens-of-realiteit)

“Klein Wonen”. 12.03.2019, PWS Documentaire, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aJIvrOgm6M&t=572s)

"How land matters in flood risk management". IWRA Webinar and policy brief, 20.06.2018, www.iwra.or

Stadtraum als Freiraum für alle. Interview with Journal „Wien.at“, 31.07.2017.

Uni-Projekt: Bürger als Stadtführer gesucht. Report in the German newspaper „Rheinpfalz“, 28.04.2017.

Ludwigshafen erfindet sich gerade neu. Interview with the German newspaper „Rheinpfalz“, 07.06.2016.

„Стогодишња вода” застарео је термин (Centennial Flood” is an outdated term).Interview in Serbian Newspaper “Dnevnik”, 21.05.2016

“Frontiers of land and water governance”, IWRA Webinar and policy brief, 15.12.2014, https://www.iwra.or

2020 Nominiert für den "Best Teacher Award" der Universität Wageningen.

2019 Studentenpreis "Vak van de Hucht" für den besten Kurs im MSc-Programm Spatial Planning an der Universität Wageningen für den Kurs "Planning Society & Innovation".

2017 Most Influential Paper Award des American Journal of Climate Change für: Hartmann, T. & Spit, T.J.M. (2014). Capacity Building for the Integration of Climate Adaptation into Urban Planning Processes: The Dutch Experience. AJCC, 3(3), 245-52

Ehrenmedaille: "Einsatzmedaille Fluthilfe 2002" des Bundesministers des Innern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Ehrenmedaille: "Hochwassermedaille 2002" des Ministerpräsidenten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Invited keynotes & guest lectures

  • 11.06.2024: Invited Expert to Leibniz im Bundestag, Berlin (DE)
  • 04.06.2024: „Bodenpolitik und Wertermittlung“ – Invited presentation at the Meeting of the speakers of board of appraisers NRW, Hagen (DE)
  • 23.05.2024: “Boden und Wohnen – warum wir unnachhaltige, unresiliente und ungerechte Städte bauen“ – Invited presentation at the Große Dienstbesprechung oberste und obere Kommunalaufsichtsbehörden sowie GPA NRWUnna (DE).
  • 14.03.2024: “LAND4CLIMATE“ – Invited Poster presentation at Horizont Europa.NRW – Erfolge im Blick, organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Culture and Science, Düsseldorf (DE).  
  • 06.03.2024: “LAND4CLIMATE & Wassersensible Stadtgestaltung, Schwammstadt” – Invited speaker at the Mittelgebirgskonferenz „Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels“ organized by the Klimakompetenzzentren of Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Thüringen, online.
  • 14.02.2024: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture in the course “Comparative Spatial Planning and Metropolitan Development”, Nijmegen (NL).
  • 14.12.2023: “LAND4CLIMATE - Utilization of private land for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in the systemic transformation towards a climate-resilient Europe” – Invited speaker at the Euregio Maas-Rhein meeting, Eupen (BE)
  • 21.11.2023: “Problemimmobilienkataster Hagen” – Invited speaker, City of Hagen (DE)
  • 20.11.2023: “Survive and Thrive in Academia” – Invited Speaker at the Leibniz-R PostDoc Event, Online (DE)
  • 17.11.2023: “Bodenpolitiken in Europa” – Keynote at the General Member Assembly of the ARL, Berlin (DE)
  • 24.10.2023: “Land Policy and Land Valuation” – Invited speaker, DFG Symposium on Value.Use.Property at RWTH Aachen, Aachen (DE)
  • 19.10.2023: “Bodenpolitische Strategien für Grund zum Wohnen - aktive Bodenpolitik und Baulandumlegung in Deutschland und den Niederlanden” – Keynote at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umlegungsausschüsse (Working Group of Land Readjustment Boards), Rheine (DE).
  • 20.09.2023: “Land Policy in Germany” – Policy exchange with representatives from Ghana and Germany, Dortmund (DE)
  • 07.09.2023: “Land Policy in Germany” – Invited speaker, City of Utrecht, preparation to field trip to Dortmund, Utrecht (NL)
  • 26.06.2023: “Land Policies in Europe” – Invited speaker, Ausbildung der Regierungsbaureferendare Fachrichtung,,Städtebau", Dortmund (DE)
  • 20.06.2023: “Bodenpolitik und Wertermittlung” – Invited speaker, Plenarsitzung der AGVGA.NRW, Hagen (DE)
  • 16.06.2023: “International Research Networks – LAND4FLOOD“ – Invited speaker, Funding Week TU Dortmund, Dortmund (DE)
  • 26.06.2023: “Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement” – Keynote, 18. Sach-Schadenverhütungstag 2023, Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherer (GDV), Düsseldorf (DE)
  • 28.03.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture at MSci (Hons) Planning, Regeneration and Development, Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Ulster University (online), Belfast (UK).
  • 23.03.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Invited speaker for international student fieldtrip of the School of Environment, Education & Development, University of Manchester, Dortmund (DE).
  • 13.03.2023: “Land policy for the new land question” – Guest lecture at ETH Zürich in the SPUR Research Colloquium, Zürich (CH).
  • 08.02.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture in the course “Comparative Spatial Planning and Metropolitan Development”, Nijmegen (NL).
  • 07.11.2022: “Land Use Planning” – MOOC on Sustainable Management in the Extractive Industry (SUMEX), Online.
  • 29.09.2022: “Land for Flood Retention and Resilience” – Keynote at the launch of the planning process on an Israeli national statutory plan on flood management, Online (IL).
  • 04.07.2022: “Herausforderungen bodenpolitischer Raumforschung” – Keynote at the Expertenworkshop „Theorien, Politik und Entwicklungslinien der räumlichen Planung“, Hanover (DE).
  • 29.06.2022: “Urban floods and private land - challenges of implementing nature-based solutions” – Keynote at the TERRAenVISION conference, Utrecht (NL).
  • 23.06.2022: “Public value capture as land policy” – Keynote at the conference of the COST Action on Public Value Capture, Warsaw (PL).
  • 23.05.2022: Invited expert to the DIFU-workshop “Vom Aufbaugesetzbuch der Nachkriegszeit – zum Rück- und Umbaugesetzbuch des 21. Jahrhunderts“, Berlin (DE).
  • 16.05.2022: Moderation at the HKC-Conference, Cologne (DE).
  • 22.05.2022: “LAND4FLOOD” - Invited speaker at meeting of the COST Scientific Board, Brussels (BE).
  • 17.03.2022: “Dynamics of Land Policies in Europe” - Invited speaker at the Faculty of Social Economics of J.E.P. University Ústí and Labem.
  • 04.03.2022: “Stakeholder involvement in LAND4FLOOD” - Invited speaker for the webinar on Stakeholder cooperation in COST Actions, https://youtu.be/iZFKlRVmrdg
  • 18.01.2022: “Stabsübung Hochwasser an der Lippe” - Invited expert, ASB Berlin. Online.
  • 09.04.2021: “Wohnungsnot, Flächensparen und Nachverdichtung: Bodenpolitik für die neue Bodenfrage” - Keynote speaker CampusKonferenz Landschaftsentwicklung 2021: “Landschaftsentwicklung innen und außen - Herausforderungen, Widersprüche und Ideen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”, Osnabrück (DE).
  • 10.02.2021: “Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement” - Invited speaker for the PhD seminar of Civil Engineering at University of Kaiserslautern (DE).
  • 19.02.2020: “Comparisons of land-take trends and land-take confinement strategies in Europe”, Invited speaker at roundtable by German Environmental Research Centre (UFZ) on the project SURFACE at the PLPR in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 03.12.2019: “Bodenpolitik in Deutschland – quo vadis?” - Invited speaker at the conference “Große Quartiere”, Aachen (DE).
  • 28.11.2019: “Hoe zou de beheerder ze aanpakken en hoe kijken wetenschappers daar tegenaan?” – Invited session moderator at Nationaal Congres Beheer Openbare Ruimte (NCBOR), Zaandam (NL).
  • 27.11.2019: “Regionales Wohnungsmarktkonzept” – Invited expert, workshop of the RVR, Essen (DE).
  • 17.10.2019: “European Land Policies – Housing, land thrift and densification” - Invited speaker at the Seminar – „Die Zukunft des Städtebaus”, Bonn(DE).
  • 01.10.2019: “The LAND4FLOOD vision on flood risk management” – Keynote at the workshop on multi-purpose land use agreements in floodplains and flood water storage reservoirs Middle Tisza region (HU).
  • 01.10.2019: “Just compensation for spatial flood risk management measures – Comparing the Austrian and Dutch approach” – Invited speaker at the workshop on multi-purpose land use agreements in floodplains and flood water storage reservoirs Middle Tisza region (HU).
  • 10.07.2019: “Floodplains – Responsive Land Policy Using the Game Theory” – Keynote at conference on Integrated Watershed Management at the Israel Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (IL).
  • 05.07.2019: “Between Theory & Practice – The role of planners in the age of transition” – Keynote at the AESOP PhD Workshop, Ferrara (IT).
  • 16.05.2019: "How land matters for flood risk management" – Keynote at the Natural and Nature Based Features (NNBF) Symposium, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 22.01.2019: "Bodenpolitische Strategien für Grund zum Wohnen - aktive Bodenpolitik und Baulandumlegung in Deutschland und den Niederlanden " – Invited guest lecture at the Geodätisches Institut der Universität Hannover, Hannover (DE).
  • 04.12.2018: "50 years spatial planning" – Invited podium speaker at the Symposium for the 50th anniversary of spatial planning at TU Dortmund, Dortmund (DE).
  • 09.11.2018: "Grund zum Wohnen – bodenpolitische Strategien in Deutschland und den Niederlanden" – Invited speaker to the Workshop „Das Erbbaurecht. Boden als Ressource bezahlbaren Wohnraums“, Weimar (DE).
  • 05.04.2018: "Kavelruil - waar past het wel" – Invited speaker at the Kavelruil conference of the Dutch Cadastre, Amsterdam (NL).
  • 15.11.2017: "A policy brief on Land for Flood Risk Management" – Invited speaker at the OECD Water Governance Initiative, Wien (AT).
  • 15.09.2017: "Der Hochwasserpass" – Keynote speaker at the HKC Jubiläumsveranstaltung 10 Jahre, Köln (DE).
  • 15.03.2017: "Widerspruch und Überlagerung - räumliche Szenarien zur Gerechtigkeit" - Keynote speaker at Münchner Tage für nachhaltiges Landmanagement, München (DE).
  • 07.05.2016: "The European flood risk management plan" – Keynote speaker at Science & Education Festival of the University of Novi Sad (RS).
  • 06.05.2016: "Responsive land policy for extreme floods" – Invited guest lecture at the University of Novi Sad (RS).
  • 02.11.2015: "Frontiers of Land and Water Governance" – Keynote speaker at OECD Water Governance Initiative (F).
  • 17.-18.09.2015: Moderator of the session "Developing methods and indicators for monitoring and evaluating adaptation" at European Environmental Evaluators Network (EEEN), Florence (IT).
  • 15.09.2015: "Land Policies & Instruments in Europe - passive and active approaches" - Invited speaker for the Online-Conference Land Governance, Indian Centre for Innovations in Public Systems, www.cips.org.in.
  • 30.06.2015: "Was wird aus planners‘ paradise? Aktuelle Entwicklungen im niederländischen Bodenmanagement" – Invited guest lecture at TU Dortmund.
  • 26.05.2015: "Floodland – explorations for flood retention and resilience on private land" – Invited guest lecture at Centre for Environmental Change & Human Resilience (CECHR), Dundee (UK).
  • 19.05.2015: "Aktive Einbeziehung von Institutionen und Betroffenen beim Umgang mit Folgen des Klimawandels" - Invited input speaker at ARL Expertenworkshop Vermittlung von und Umgang mit der Komplexität der Folgen des Klimawandels, IREUS Stuttgart.
  • 21.11.2014: "FLOODLAND – Land for Flood Retention and Resilience" - Invited input speaker at Workshop Flood Retention and Resilience in River Catchments, Projekt CROSSFLOOD, Ústí nad Labem (CZ).
  • 10.06.2014: "Moving from flood defence to water management" – Invited keynote speaker at the Baltic Regional Workshop on Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM), Gimo (Schweden).
  • 11.04.2014: "Stedelijke herverkaveling - Vergelijking Nederland-Duitsland" – Invited keynote speaker at the Expert meeting of the Dutch Cadastre for Dutch land readjustment, Amserfoort (NL).
  • 08.04.2014: "Die Rolle von Planungsrecht und Bodeneigentum bei der Entstehung von Lock-in Situationen in der Raumplanung" – Invited guest lecture at Geographischen Institut der Universität Bern (CH).
  • 15.01.2014: "Europäisches Hochwasserrisikomanagement und räumliche Planung" - Gas Invited guest lecture am Institut für Humangeographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien (AT).
  • 08.01.2014: "Comparing the Dutch and German land policy" – Invited guest lecture at University of Amsterdam (NL).
  • 10.06.2013: "Using cultural theory to work with wicked problems in flood systems" – Invited speaker at the Symposium “Wicked Problems” at the Public Administration and Policy Group, Wageningen University (NL).
  • 07.05.2013: "Räumliches Hochwasserrisikomanagement - Im Spannungsfeld von Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft" – Invited guest lecture at the Geographischen Institut der FU Berlin.
  • 20.09.2012: "Managing riverside property in Germany" – Invited keynote speaker at PlaNET conference "Europe Matters" in Nijmegen (NL).
  • 18.11.2010: "Verzwickte Flussgemeinschaft - Warum es so schwierig ist den Flüssen Raum zu geben" – Invited keynote speaker at Internationale Rheinkonferenz Bonn.
  • 03.05.2010: "Brauchbare Flusslandschaften - Responsive Bodenpolitik für extreme Hochwasser" – Invited guest lecture at IWAR Darmstadt (DE).
  • 01.05.2008: "Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods" – Invited guest lecture at Speaker Series '08 of the Department of Civic Design, Liverpool (UK).
  • 24.11.2005: "Kommunikationsstrukturen zur Abstimmung räumlicher Planungen auf regionaler und kommunaler Ebene in Sachsen-Anhalt" – Invited speaker ELLA Project Conference, Stendal (DE).
  • 07.06.2005: "Strategien zur Abstimmung räumlicher Planungen im Hochwasserschutz" – Invited guest lecture at the Institute for Water Management and Ecotechnology, Magdeburg.


Academic conference presentations

  • 20.03.2024: “Land Policy in Germany – The struggle between private property rights and public interest” at the PLPR conference, Munich (DE).
  • 20.03.2024: “Policies for land and property: The German land question in light of 50 years of urban development reports” at the PLPR conference, Munich (DE).
  • 04.05.2023: “Land policy for Densification" at the PLPR conference, Ann Arbor (US).
  • 13.02.2023: “Land for Densification – how land policy and property matter” – 6. Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund (DE)
  • 04.-08.07.2022: “From land to home – the relation between land policy and housing” at the PLPR conference in Ghent (BE).
  • 04.-08.05.2020: “COST Action LAND4FLOOD - Natural Flood Retention on Private Land: Overview of recent activities and future plans” at the EGU conference 2020 (online).
  • 19.02.2020: “The strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing in the Swiss private rental market” at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Rationales of municipal strategies of land policy" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Land management for spatial flood risk management in Germany" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Housing, land thrift and densification in European Land Policies – a comparative public policy analysis" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Here there be dragons: A consideration of water as property in the common law and civil code legal traditions." at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 11.07.2019: “Nature-based Flood Risk Management on Private Land” – AESOP congress, Venice (IT).
  • 23.05.2019: “Wat is er gebeurd met Planners’ Paradise? Een analyse van Nederlands gemeentelijk grondbeleid” at PlanDag, Tournout (BE)
  • 21.02.2019: "Getting land for flood risk management – A legal and policy analysis of formal instruments in Germany" at the PLPR in College Station, TX (USA)
  • 14.10.2018: "OECD Water Governance principles on the local scale – an exploration in Dutch water management" at the Water Science Impact conference in Wageningen (NL)
  • 13.07.2018: Roundtable “Jane Jacobs’ ‘life of cities’ and justice in the city: A contemporary debate” – AESOP congress 2018, in Gotenburg (SE).
  • 13.07.2018: “On the political dimension of instruments of land policy – how stakeholder strategically influence scarcity of land” – AESOP congress 2018, in Gotenburg (SE).
  • 20.06.2018: IWRA Webinar: “How land matters for flood risk management” – Workshop of the COST Action LAND4FLOOD in Riga (LV).
  • 20.02.2018: Roundtable: “Instruments of land policy – Dealing with scarcity of land” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 20.02.2018: Roundtable: “Property Rights & Climate Change – Land use under changing environmental conditions” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 20.02.2018: “Urban land readjustment – voluntary or mandatory?” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 05.02.2018: Roundtable: "Instrumente der Bodenpolitik: Zum Umgang mit Knappheit von Boden" – Dortmunder Konferenz zur Raumplanung, Dortmund (DE).
  • 08.09.2017: "Compensation for spatial flood measures in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands: A social justice perspective" – International Conference on Flood Management, Leeds (UK).
  • 29.06.2017: “Missing the exit – Can binding land-use plans meet changing land use needs?” - LANDac conference, Utrecht (NL).
  • 18.05.2017: “Water Management on Private Land: Upscaling Nature-Based Solutions” – Dresden NEXUS conference, Dresden (DE).
  • 23.02.2017: “Role of the state and role of property in land policies exploring tendencies in Swiss and Dutch land policy” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 23.02.2017: “Urban planning in a suburban world: Germany’s regional land-use plans” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 24.02.2017: “Compulsory land acquisition in the Netherlands” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 10 .11.2016: "Role of the state and role of property - Comparing recent tendencies in Swiss and Dutch land policy" – Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 10.11.2016: "Understanding rationales of land policy – The development of an analytical framework" – Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 10.11.2016: "Urban land readjustment – voluntary or mandatory?" –  Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 19.09.2016: "Flood Label for buildings – a tool for more flood-resilient cities" – European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016), Lyon (F).
  • 24.05.2016: "The clumsy city by design: a theory for Jane Jacob’s imperfect cities?" – Conference on Jane Jacobs' 100th anniversary, at TU Delft (NL).
  • 23.02.2016: "Clumsy Cities - Justice and Urban Design" – AESOP Thematic Group Meeting Ethics, Values & Planning "New spaces of inequality", Wageningen (NL).
  • 22.02.2016: "Responsive Partizipation zur aktiven Einbeziehung von Bürgern zum Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan" – Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund.
  • 17-19.02.2016: "Active land policy in small municipalities in the Netherlands: we don’t do it, unless..." – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Bern (CH).
  • 14.07.2015: "Constructing risks - internalisation of flood risks using the process of the flood risk management plans" – AESOP congress 2015, Prague (CZ).
  • 14.07.2015: "Designing a PSS for responsive participation for flood resilient cities" – AESOP congress 2015, Prague (CZ).
  • 28.05.2015: "New governance schemes for frontiers of land and water governance" – World Water Congress, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 26.05.2015: "The flooding game - Flood Retention in the light of economic theory" – World Water Congress, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 26.02.2015: "Legitimizing differentiated flood protection levels - Consequences of the European Flood Risk Management Plan" – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Volos (GR).
  • 24.02.2015: "Property rights and climate change: land-use under changing environmental conditions" – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Volos (GR).
  • 15.12.2014: "Frontiers of land and water governance in urban areas" – Webinar of IWRA.
  • 09.10.2014: "Legitimacy in contemporary flood risk management" – Workshop "Resilience", Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL).
  • 09.07.2014: "What’s the right thing to protect – Justice and flood risk management" – AESOP congress 2014, Utrecht (NL).
  • 13.02.2014: "Implementing the flood risk management plan" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Haifa (IL).
  • 13.02.2014: "Conditional property rights in planning - reflections on time and scale" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Haifa (IL).
  • 07.11.2013: "Modes of Governance for the European Flood Risk Management Plan" – "Water and Planning - the Fluid Challenge", The World Town Planning Day, Online Conference.
  • 31.10.2013: "Modes of Governance in German and Dutch Water Law – The Framing of a Common Management of Water and Land" – Conference "Water and Ocean Law in Times of Climate Change", Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht (NL).
  • 24.10.2013: "Der Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan – Anforderungen und Konsequenzen zum Zusammenspiel von Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft" – Colloquium "Die Elbe im Spannungsfeld von Hochwasserschutz, Naturschutz & Schifffahrt", Magdeburg (DE).
  • 18.07.2013: "Spatial water planning - Comparing German and Dutch water law" – AESOP/ACSP Joint Congress 2013, Dublin (IR).
  • 07.03.2013: “Der Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan – Herausforderung für Wasserwirtschaft und Raumplanung” – 36. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium (DE).
  • 13.02.2013: "Dilemmas of public involvement in urban development: Comparing the Dutch and German approaches to land management" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Portland (Oregon, USA).
  • 13.02.2013: "Regulating resistance and resilience: Performance-based and condition-based water and planning legislation in Germany" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Portland (Oregon, USA).
  • 16.11.2012: "Lock-in situations in planning: The role of law and property rights" – 10th meeting of the AESOP thematic group on Complexity & Planning, Groningen (NL).
  • 09.02.2012: "Planning by Law and Property Rights Reconsidered" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Belfast (UK).
  • 09.02.2012: "Participation in Planning Law - beyond municipal boundaries" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Belfast (UK).
  • 28.05.2011: "Managing riverside property: the struggle between water managers and spatial planners" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton (CA).
  • 27.05.2011: "Planning by law and property rights: the need for a better theory" –Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton (CA).
  • 19.05.2011: "Geo-risico governance" – Plandag, Brussel (B).
  • 25.03.2011: "Bodenpolitik um den Flüssen Raum zu geben" - Symposium: Wasser(politik) zwischen Privateigentum und Gemeingut, Kassel (DE).
  • 11.02.2010: 'Land Policy for Rivers - Responses to the German Flood Control Act' – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Dortmund.
  • 24.11.2009: "Distributional Effects of Land Policy for Extreme Floods" - APSA conference 2009, Ahmedabad (India).
  • 16.07.2009: "Clumsy Floodplains - responsive land policy for extreme floods" - AESOP conference 2009, Liverpool (UK).
  • 13.02.2009: "Clumsy Floodplains - towards a responsive land policy for extreme floods" –International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Aalborg (DK).
  • 08.07.2008: "Polyrational Land Policy for Extreme Floods - Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – ACSP/AESOP Joint Congress, Chicago, Illinois (USA).
  • 14.02.2008: "Polyrational Land Policy for Extreme Floods" – Planning Law and Property Rights Symposium 2008, Warszawa (PL).
  • 13.07.2007: "Making Land Available - Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – AESOP Congress 2007, Naples (IT)
  • 07.02.2007: "Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – Inaugural Symposium on Planning, Law and Property Rights, Amsterdam (NL).
  • 24.07.2006: "Mobilization of Retention Areas - Strategies for the optimum mobilization of areas for retention of extreme flood events" – AESOP PhD Workshop, Bristol (UK).