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Department of Spatial Planning

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann


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Phone: 0231 755-2228

Office: GB III, Room 3.223

Consultation by arrangement

Thomas Hartmann has a special expertise and research interest in: 

  • Land policies, instruments and strategies of land policy,
  • Flood risk management, resilience, and water governance,
  • Justice and ethics in spatial planning.

Thomas Hartmann is also the

  • former president (2020-2024) of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR,,
  • vice-chair of the IWRA Task Force LAND4FLOOD (,
  • chair of the international working group on Land Policies in Europe of the German Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL,
  • Lead PI in the European Horizon project LAND4CLIMATE, together with Stefan Greiving (

In addition he is associate editor of WIRES Water and the Journal of Flood Risk Management, next to other editorial boards.

You may approach him in English, German, or Dutch.

Full Professor at TU Dortmund University

As chair for land policy and land management at the school of spatial planning, he focusses in strategies of municipal land policy and on property rights and climate change, with a special focus on flood risk management.

International affiliations

Thomas Hartmann is also affiliated as a guest professor with the Czech Jan Evangelista Purkyne University (UJEP) in Usti nad Labem, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies. During the winter semesters 2015/2016 and 2017/2018, Thomas Hartmann is guest professor at the University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research, where he teaches courses on "Justice in the City" and "Land Policy for Scarce Ressources". In addition, Thomas Hartmann teaches as guest lecturer at Bonn University (Germany) in the master programme "Disaster Prevention and Management" the module "Flood Risk Management".

Accociate Professor at Wageningen Univeristy

2018-2021, Thomas Hartmann taught and researched as Associate Professor at the Land Use Planning group at Wageningen University.

Assistant Professor at Utrecht University

Thomas Hartmann was assistant professor at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University between 2013-2018. He is an active member of the Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU), teached in the BSc Spatial Planning and MSc Spatial Planning, and he was the coordinator of the master programme on Spatial Planning.

PostDoc at Utrecht University

In 2010, he started as a postdoc at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University. He started teaching Planning Theory in the BSc Planologie and researched on the relation of land and water from various perspectives.

Research assistant & PhD at TU Dortmund University

Since 2005, Thomas Hartmann worked as research assistant at the department for Land Policy, Land Management and Municipal Geoinformation of the Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University. He taught and supervised various courses, completed research activities - independently and in collaboration, and worked on his PhD. In 2009, he finished his PhD on "Clumsy Floodplains - Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods", at the Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University and received the academic title "Dr. rer.pol." (rerum politicarum). During this time he spent some time as guest researcher at the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Study of Spatial Planning

Thomas Hartmann is an engineer of spatial planning (Dipl.-Ing), which he studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University and the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. He focused his study on flood protection and spatial planning.

Since 2023       
Appointed member of board of land value appraisers in the City of Hagen.

Since 2021       
Vice Chair of the IWRA Task Force LAND4FLOOD „Natural Flood Retention on Private Land“,

Member of Working Group (creative practices, arts and outreach) of COST Action SHiFT (CA21166) “Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”,

Advisory Board of the Horizon 2020 project SUMEX on SUstainable Management in EXtractive Industries.

Mentor at the PhD Workshop the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights.

Programme Committee member of the conference “Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships – URP2020”.

Mentor at the PhD e-Seminar of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning).

Mentor for the AESOP Young Academics (Association of European Schools of Planning) (Virtual) Expert Clinic.

President of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (

Member of the Academic Advisory Board in the project on policy coordination in flood risk management at BOKU, Vienna, AT.

Mentor of the PhD workshop in Italy at the AESOP Young Academics (Association of European Schools of Planning)

Work Package Leader of the expert group „Resilience in Flood Risk Management“ of the German association for water, wastewater, and waste management (DWA)

Member of Periodiek Overleg Planologie (regular meeting of Dutch planning professors)

Vice Chair of the COST Action “LAND4FLOOD – Natural Flood Risk Management on Private Land”

Member of the working group of the German Associations of Environmental Engineers (BWK) on "high groundwater".

Member of the organization committee of the LANDac conference – conference on Land Governance, Utrecht, NL (June 2017).

Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the project RegioFlood at BOKU, Vienna, AT.

Vice-President of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (

Controller & project manager of the project HochwasserPass (Floodlabel) at HKC (

Dutch representative of the Management Committee COST Action “Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects” (INOGOV).

Member of the Scientific Board in the project "Cross-border Flood Risk Management", financed by the Czech Ministry for Education.

Main contact for the Department Human Geography and Planning in AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning)..

Member of the international expert group for the communication of the complexity of climate change (in cooperation with the Institute IREUS, Stuttgart, and the German Academy for Spatial Planning and Research, ARL).

Member of the OECD Water Governance Initiative. 2015, the Water Governance Principles have been ratified by the 34 member states of OECD.

Member of the experts group on land readjustment by the Dutch Cadastre.

2014 – 2016     
Member of the working group „Grundstücksverfügbarkeit für hydromorphologische Maßnahmen” of the German Associations of Environmental Engineers (BWK)

2010 – 2014      
Secretary General of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (

2008 – 2010      
PhD Coordinator of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (

2007 – 2023     
Speaker of the Advisory Board of the German Centre for Flood Knowledge & Action (HochwasserKompetenzCentrum,

  • Since 07/2023
    Substitute Member of the promotion committee of the Department of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University.
  • Since 07/2022
    Member of the Faculty Board of the Department of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University.
  • Since 07/2022
    Contact person for study scholarships
  • Since 07/2022
    Coordinator for the SPRING-Partnership of TU Dortmund University with Ghana

since 2024        Member of the Geodesy Branch of the Bavarian Academy of Science (DGK)

since 2021         Member of the Informationskreis für Raumplanung (IfR)

since 2021         Member of the AESOP thematic group "Planning Theories"

since 2020         Fellow of NORMACTIVITY –
Research Network on Human and Non-Human Normativity (

since 2016         Member of the AESOP thematic group „Ethics, Values & Planning“

since 2014         IWRA (International Water Resource Association)

since 2014         Food, Energy, Environment & Water (FE²W) Network

since 2008         Founding member of AESOP group „Risk Resilience & Mitigation Strategies”

since 2007         Founding member of the International Academic Association on
Planning, Law, and Property Rights (

since 2007         Founding member of the HochwasserKompetenzCentrum (HKC)

since 2006         AESOP Young Academics Network

2005-2015         Junges Forum, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL)

PodCast Becoming a post-growth planner - obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices,

PodCast “SUMEX – Sustainable Mining of Extratrive Industries: Land Use Planning”, 24.04.2023,

PodCast “Wasser Marsch - Der Hochwasserschutz-Podcast”. Gerald Hübner Hochwasserschutz, 26.08.2022

“Technische Universität Dortmund und Stadt Büren führen Forschungsarbeit durch”. PaderZeitung, 04.02.2022

“Openbare Ruimte vraagt om goeroes Managing Public Space”. Interview about Managing Public Space with Verkeerskunde, 19.02.2021,

Statements on Planning video series on Planning, Law, and Property Rights produced in collaboration of the PLPR and ARL. Interviews by Thomas Hartmann

How do planning, law, and property rights matter?

What are relevant topics of planning, law, and property rights?

Why should this be discussed internationally?

“De emancipatie van beheer - Programma Managing Public Space zet een ‘academische kop’ op beheer”. Interview about Managing Public Space with Stadswerk, January 2021.

“Transparantie en organische ontwikkeling als basis”. Interview about land readjustment in Germany in the ROMagazine, 01.08.2019.

“Nieuwe leerstoel beheer 3.0”. Interview with Binnenlands Bestuur, 17.09.2019

“Mehr oder weniger? Raumentwicklung braucht Postwachstum!“. Video contribution to the ARL-Kongress 2019 (ückblick).

“Onderzoekers: woningbouw versnellen kan niet zonder concessies van gemeenten”., 29 April 2019 (

“Versnellen van de woningbouwproductie: wens of realiteit?”. 17 April 2019, Platform31 (

“Klein Wonen”. 12.03.2019, PWS Documentaire, (

"How land matters in flood risk management". IWRA Webinar and policy brief, 20.06.2018, www.iwra.or

Stadtraum als Freiraum für alle. Interview with Journal „“, 31.07.2017.

Uni-Projekt: Bürger als Stadtführer gesucht. Report in the German newspaper „Rheinpfalz“, 28.04.2017.

Ludwigshafen erfindet sich gerade neu. Interview with the German newspaper „Rheinpfalz“, 07.06.2016.

„Стогодишња вода” застарео је термин (Centennial Flood” is an outdated term).Interview in Serbian Newspaper “Dnevnik”, 21.05.2016

“Frontiers of land and water governance”, IWRA Webinar and policy brief, 15.12.2014, https://www.iwra.or

2020 Nominee for the “Best Teacher Award” of Wageningen Univeristy.

2019 student award “Vak van de Hucht” for the best course in the MSc programme Spatial Planning at Wageningen University for the course “Planning Society & Innovation”.

2017 Most Influential Paper Award of the American Journal of Climate Change for:
Hartmann, T. & Spit, T.J.M. (2014). Capacity Building for the Integration of Climate Adaptation into Urban Planning Processes: The Dutch Experience. AJCC, 3(3), 245-52

Medal of honour: “Einsatzmedaille Fluthilfe 2002” by the Minister of the Interior of Germany

Medal of honour: “Hochwassermedaille 2002” by the Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt

Invited keynotes & guest lectures

  • 05.02.2025: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture in the course “Comparative Spatial Planning and Metropolitan Development”, Nijmegen (NL).
  • 20.11.2024 „Land Polcies in Europe“, Keynote at workshop of TANDEM and Deutsch-Französisches Zukunftswerk on the topic of Land - a coveted, limited resource worth protec-ting, Lille (FR)
  • 08.11.2024: „Results of the International Working Group of the ARL on Land Policies in Europe”, Invited speaker at Follow-Up Workshop on International Comparative Planning Studies. Dortmund (DE)
  • 06.11.2024: „Stadtumbau in Hagen“ – Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Planungskartogra-phie 2024, Hagen (DE)
  • 31.10.2024: „Boden und Wohnen – warum wir unnachhaltige, unresiliente und ungerechte Städte bauen“ – Keynote at the 24. Konferenz für Planerinnen und Planer NRW „(Neue) Flächenansprüche und die Flächenwende“, Dusseldorf (DE)
  • 15.07.2024: „Vom Hochwasserrisikomanagement zur Resilienz: Ideen, Lösungsansätze und Beispiele“ – Keynote in the DWA Webinar „Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenma-nagement - 3 Jahre nach der „Ahrtalflut“, online
  • 2024.08.13: „Warum wir unnachhaltige, unresiliente und ungerechte Städte bauen“ – Invited speaker, SchnupperUni TU Dortmund, Dortmund (DE)
  • 11.06.2024: Invited expert to Leibniz im Bundestag, Berlin (DE)
  • 04.06.2024: „Bodenpolitik und Wertermittlung“ – Invited presentation at the Meeting of the speakers of board of appraisers NRW, Hagen (DE)
  • 23.05.2024: “Boden und Wohnen – warum wir unnachhaltige, unresiliente und ungerechte Städte bauen“ – Invited presentation at the Große Dienstbesprechung oberste und obere Kommunalaufsichtsbehörden sowie GPA NRWUnna (DE).
  • 14.03.2024: “LAND4CLIMATE“ – Invited poster presentation at Horizont Europa.NRW – Erfolge im Blick, organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Culture and Science, Düsseldorf (DE).  
  • 06.03.2024: “LAND4CLIMATE & Wassersensible Stadtgestaltung, Schwammstadt” – Invited speaker at the Mittelgebirgskonferenz „Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels“ organized by the Klimakompetenzzentren of Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Thüringen, online.
  • 14.02.2024: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture in the course “Comparative Spatial Planning and Metropolitan Development”, Nijmegen (NL).
  • 14.12.2023: “LAND4CLIMATE - Utilization of private land for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in the systemic transformation towards a climate-resilient Europe” – Invited speaker at the Euregio Maas-Rhein meeting, Eupen (BE)
  • 21.11.2023: “Problemimmobilienkataster Hagen” – Invited speaker, City of Hagen (DE)
  • 20.11.2023: “Survive and Thrive in Academia” – Invited speaker at the Leibniz-R PostDoc Event, Online (DE)
  • 17.11.2023: “Bodenpolitiken in Europa” – Keynote at the General Member Assembly of the ARL, Berlin (DE)
  • 24.10.2023: “Land Policy and Land Valuation” – Invited speaker, DFG Symposium on Value.Use.Property at RWTH Aachen, Aachen (DE)
  • 19.10.2023: “Bodenpolitische Strategien für Grund zum Wohnen - aktive Bodenpolitik und Baulandumlegung in Deutschland und den Niederlanden” – Keynote at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umlegungsausschüsse (Working Group of Land Readjustment Boards), Rheine (DE).
  • 20.09.2023: “Land Policy in Germany” – Policy exchange with representatives from Ghana and Germany, Dortmund (DE)
  • 07.09.2023: “Land Policy in Germany” – Invited speaker, City of Utrecht, preparation to field trip to Dortmund, Utrecht (NL)
  • 26.06.2023: “Land Policies in Europe” – Invited speaker, Ausbildung der Regierungsbaureferendare Fachrichtung,,Städtebau", Dortmund (DE)
  • 20.06.2023: “Bodenpolitik und Wertermittlung” – Invited speaker, Plenarsitzung der AGVGA.NRW, Hagen (DE)
  • 16.06.2023: “International Research Networks – LAND4FLOOD“ – Invited speaker, Funding Week TU Dortmund, Dortmund (DE)
  • 26.06.2023: “Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement” – Keynote, 18. Sach-Schadenverhütungstag 2023, Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherer (GDV), Düsseldorf (DE)
  • 28.03.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture at MSci (Hons) Planning, Regeneration and Development, Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Ulster University (online), Belfast (UK).
  • 23.03.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Invited speaker for international student fieldtrip of the School of Environment, Education & Development, University of Manchester, Dortmund (DE).
  • 13.03.2023: “Land policy for the new land question” – Guest lecture at ETH Zürich in the SPUR Research Colloquium, Zürich (CH).
  • 08.02.2023: “Land policy in Germany” – Guest lecture in the course “Comparative Spatial Planning and Metropolitan Development”, Nijmegen (NL).
  • 07.11.2022: “Land Use Planning” – MOOC on Sustainable Management in the Extractive Industry (SUMEX), Online.
  • 29.09.2022: “Land for Flood Retention and Resilience” – Keynote at the launch of the planning process on an Israeli national statutory plan on flood management, Online (IL).
  • 04.07.2022: “Herausforderungen bodenpolitischer Raumforschung” – Keynote at the Expertenworkshop „Theorien, Politik und Entwicklungslinien der räumlichen Planung“, Hanover (DE).
  • 29.06.2022: “Urban floods and private land - challenges of implementing nature-based solutions” – Keynote at the TERRAenVISION conference, Utrecht (NL).
  • 23.06.2022: “Public value capture as land policy” – Keynote at the conference of the COST Action on Public Value Capture, Warsaw (PL).
  • 23.05.2022: Invited expert to the DIFU-workshop “Vom Aufbaugesetzbuch der Nachkriegszeit – zum Rück- und Umbaugesetzbuch des 21. Jahrhunderts“, Berlin (DE).
  • 16.05.2022: Moderation at the HKC-Conference, Cologne (DE).
  • 22.05.2022: “LAND4FLOOD” - Invited speaker at meeting of the COST Scientific Board, Brussels (BE).
  • 17.03.2022: “Dynamics of Land Policies in Europe” - Invited speaker at the Faculty of Social Economics of J.E.P. University Ústí and Labem.
  • 04.03.2022: “Stakeholder involvement in LAND4FLOOD” - Invited speaker for the webinar on Stakeholder cooperation in COST Actions,
  • 18.01.2022: “Stabsübung Hochwasser an der Lippe” - Invited expert, ASB Berlin. Online.
  • 09.04.2021: “Wohnungsnot, Flächensparen und Nachverdichtung: Bodenpolitik für die neue Bodenfrage” - Keynote speaker CampusKonferenz Landschaftsentwicklung 2021: “Landschaftsentwicklung innen und außen - Herausforderungen, Widersprüche und Ideen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung”, Osnabrück (DE).
  • 10.02.2021: “Resilienz im Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisikomanagement” - Invited speaker for the PhD seminar of Civil Engineering at University of Kaiserslautern (DE).
  • 19.02.2020: “Comparisons of land-take trends and land-take confinement strategies in Europe”, Invited speaker at roundtable by German Environmental Research Centre (UFZ) on the project SURFACE at the PLPR in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 03.12.2019: “Bodenpolitik in Deutschland – quo vadis?” - Invited speaker at the conference “Große Quartiere”, Aachen (DE).
  • 28.11.2019: “Hoe zou de beheerder ze aanpakken en hoe kijken wetenschappers daar tegenaan?” – Invited session moderator at Nationaal Congres Beheer Openbare Ruimte (NCBOR), Zaandam (NL).
  • 27.11.2019: “Regionales Wohnungsmarktkonzept” – Invited expert, workshop of the RVR, Essen (DE).
  • 17.10.2019: “European Land Policies – Housing, land thrift and densification” - Invited speaker at the Seminar – „Die Zukunft des Städtebaus”, Bonn(DE).
  • 01.10.2019: “The LAND4FLOOD vision on flood risk management” – Keynote at the workshop on multi-purpose land use agreements in floodplains and flood water storage reservoirs Middle Tisza region (HU).
  • 01.10.2019: “Just compensation for spatial flood risk management measures – Comparing the Austrian and Dutch approach” – Invited speaker at the workshop on multi-purpose land use agreements in floodplains and flood water storage reservoirs Middle Tisza region (HU).
  • 10.07.2019: “Floodplains – Responsive Land Policy Using the Game Theory” – Keynote at conference on Integrated Watershed Management at the Israel Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (IL).
  • 05.07.2019: “Between Theory & Practice – The role of planners in the age of transition” – Keynote at the AESOP PhD Workshop, Ferrara (IT).
  • 16.05.2019: "How land matters for flood risk management" – Keynote at the Natural and Nature Based Features (NNBF) Symposium, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 22.01.2019: "Bodenpolitische Strategien für Grund zum Wohnen - aktive Bodenpolitik und Baulandumlegung in Deutschland und den Niederlanden " – Invited guest lecture at the Geodätisches Institut der Universität Hannover, Hannover (DE).
  • 04.12.2018: "50 years spatial planning" – Invited podium speaker at the Symposium for the 50th anniversary of spatial planning at TU Dortmund, Dortmund (DE).
  • 09.11.2018: "Grund zum Wohnen – bodenpolitische Strategien in Deutschland und den Niederlanden" – Invited speaker to the Workshop „Das Erbbaurecht. Boden als Ressource bezahlbaren Wohnraums“, Weimar (DE).
  • 05.04.2018: "Kavelruil - waar past het wel" – Invited speaker at the Kavelruil conference of the Dutch Cadastre, Amsterdam (NL).
  • 15.11.2017: "A policy brief on Land for Flood Risk Management" – Invited speaker at the OECD Water Governance Initiative, Wien (AT).
  • 15.09.2017: "Der Hochwasserpass" – Keynote speaker at the HKC Jubiläumsveranstaltung 10 Jahre, Köln (DE).
  • 15.03.2017: "Widerspruch und Überlagerung - räumliche Szenarien zur Gerechtigkeit" - Keynote speaker at Münchner Tage für nachhaltiges Landmanagement, München (DE).
  • 07.05.2016: "The European flood risk management plan" – Keynote speaker at Science & Education Festival of the University of Novi Sad (RS).
  • 06.05.2016: "Responsive land policy for extreme floods" – Invited guest lecture at the University of Novi Sad (RS).
  • 02.11.2015: "Frontiers of Land and Water Governance" – Keynote speaker at OECD Water Governance Initiative (F).
  • 17.-18.09.2015: Moderator of the session "Developing methods and indicators for monitoring and evaluating adaptation" at European Environmental Evaluators Network (EEEN), Florence (IT).
  • 15.09.2015: "Land Policies & Instruments in Europe - passive and active approaches" - Invited speaker for the Online-Conference Land Governance, Indian Centre for Innovations in Public Systems,
  • 30.06.2015: "Was wird aus planners‘ paradise? Aktuelle Entwicklungen im niederländischen Bodenmanagement" – Invited guest lecture at TU Dortmund.
  • 26.05.2015: "Floodland – explorations for flood retention and resilience on private land" – Invited guest lecture at Centre for Environmental Change & Human Resilience (CECHR), Dundee (UK).
  • 19.05.2015: "Aktive Einbeziehung von Institutionen und Betroffenen beim Umgang mit Folgen des Klimawandels" - Invited input speaker at ARL Expertenworkshop Vermittlung von und Umgang mit der Komplexität der Folgen des Klimawandels, IREUS Stuttgart.
  • 21.11.2014: "FLOODLAND – Land for Flood Retention and Resilience" - Invited input speaker at Workshop Flood Retention and Resilience in River Catchments, Projekt CROSSFLOOD, Ústí nad Labem (CZ).
  • 10.06.2014: "Moving from flood defence to water management" – Invited keynote speaker at the Baltic Regional Workshop on Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM), Gimo (Schweden).
  • 11.04.2014: "Stedelijke herverkaveling - Vergelijking Nederland-Duitsland" – Invited keynote speaker at the Expert meeting of the Dutch Cadastre for Dutch land readjustment, Amserfoort (NL).
  • 08.04.2014: "Die Rolle von Planungsrecht und Bodeneigentum bei der Entstehung von Lock-in Situationen in der Raumplanung" – Invited guest lecture at Geographischen Institut der Universität Bern (CH).
  • 15.01.2014: "Europäisches Hochwasserrisikomanagement und räumliche Planung" - Gas Invited guest lecture am Institut für Humangeographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien (AT).
  • 08.01.2014: "Comparing the Dutch and German land policy" – Invited guest lecture at University of Amsterdam (NL).
  • 10.06.2013: "Using cultural theory to work with wicked problems in flood systems" – Invited speaker at the Symposium “Wicked Problems” at the Public Administration and Policy Group, Wageningen University (NL).
  • 07.05.2013: "Räumliches Hochwasserrisikomanagement - Im Spannungsfeld von Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft" – Invited guest lecture at the Geographischen Institut der FU Berlin.
  • 20.09.2012: "Managing riverside property in Germany" – Invited keynote speaker at PlaNET conference "Europe Matters" in Nijmegen (NL).
  • 18.11.2010: "Verzwickte Flussgemeinschaft - Warum es so schwierig ist den Flüssen Raum zu geben" – Invited keynote speaker at Internationale Rheinkonferenz Bonn.
  • 03.05.2010: "Brauchbare Flusslandschaften - Responsive Bodenpolitik für extreme Hochwasser" – Invited guest lecture at IWAR Darmstadt (DE).
  • 01.05.2008: "Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods" – Invited guest lecture at Speaker Series '08 of the Department of Civic Design, Liverpool (UK).
  • 24.11.2005: "Kommunikationsstrukturen zur Abstimmung räumlicher Planungen auf regionaler und kommunaler Ebene in Sachsen-Anhalt" – Invited speaker ELLA Project Conference, Stendal (DE).
  • 07.06.2005: "Strategien zur Abstimmung räumlicher Planungen im Hochwasserschutz" – Invited guest lecture at the Institute for Water Management and Ecotechnology, Magdeburg.


Academic conference presentations

  • 05.03.2025: “Inertia of Suburban Densification – Fear and Fetish of Private Property” at the PLPR conference Cardiff (UK). Thomas Hartmann, Susanne Frank, Cornelia Roboger
  • 06.03.2025: “Who drives urban densification? – Linking landownership and spatial dynamics” at the PLPR conference Cardiff (UK). Mathias Jehling, Felicitas Sommer, Thomas Hartmann & Denise Erhardt.
  • 07.03.2025: “Implementation of NBS on private land – Pursued land policy instruments and strategies in different European countries” at the PLPR conference Cardiff (UK). Sophie Holtkötter & Thomas Hartmann.
  • 07.03.2025: “Land Policies in Europe - 12 case walks” special session at the PLPR conference Cardiff (UK). Thomas Hartmann, Andreas Hengstermann, Mathias Jehling, Arthur Schindelegger, Fabian Wenner.
  • 20.03.2024: “Land Policy in Germany – The struggle between private property rights and public interest” at the PLPR conference, Munich (DE).
  • 20.03.2024: “Policies for land and property: The German land question in light of 50 years of urban development reports” at the PLPR conference, Munich (DE).
  • 04.05.2023: “Land policy for Densification" at the PLPR conference, Ann Arbor (US).
  • 13.02.2023: “Land for Densification – how land policy and property matter” – 6. Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund (DE)
  • 04.-08.07.2022: “From land to home – the relation between land policy and housing” at the PLPR conference in Ghent (BE).
  • 04.-08.05.2020: “COST Action LAND4FLOOD - Natural Flood Retention on Private Land: Overview of recent activities and future plans” at the EGU conference 2020 (online).
  • 19.02.2020: “The strategic use of land policy instruments for affordable housing in the Swiss private rental market” at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Rationales of municipal strategies of land policy" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Land management for spatial flood risk management in Germany" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Housing, land thrift and densification in European Land Policies – a comparative public policy analysis" at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 19.02.2020: “Here there be dragons: A consideration of water as property in the common law and civil code legal traditions." at the PLPR conference in Usti nad Labem (CZ).
  • 11.07.2019: “Nature-based Flood Risk Management on Private Land” – AESOP congress, Venice (IT).
  • 23.05.2019: “Wat is er gebeurd met Planners’ Paradise? Een analyse van Nederlands gemeentelijk grondbeleid” at PlanDag, Tournout (BE)
  • 21.02.2019: "Getting land for flood risk management – A legal and policy analysis of formal instruments in Germany" at the PLPR in College Station, TX (USA)
  • 14.10.2018: "OECD Water Governance principles on the local scale – an exploration in Dutch water management" at the Water Science Impact conference in Wageningen (NL)
  • 13.07.2018: Roundtable “Jane Jacobs’ ‘life of cities’ and justice in the city: A contemporary debate” – AESOP congress 2018, in Gotenburg (SE).
  • 13.07.2018: “On the political dimension of instruments of land policy – how stakeholder strategically influence scarcity of land” – AESOP congress 2018, in Gotenburg (SE).
  • 20.06.2018: IWRA Webinar: “How land matters for flood risk management” – Workshop of the COST Action LAND4FLOOD in Riga (LV).
  • 20.02.2018: Roundtable: “Instruments of land policy – Dealing with scarcity of land” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 20.02.2018: Roundtable: “Property Rights & Climate Change – Land use under changing environmental conditions” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 20.02.2018: “Urban land readjustment – voluntary or mandatory?” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Novi Sad (RS).
  • 05.02.2018: Roundtable: "Instrumente der Bodenpolitik: Zum Umgang mit Knappheit von Boden" – Dortmunder Konferenz zur Raumplanung, Dortmund (DE).
  • 08.09.2017: "Compensation for spatial flood measures in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands: A social justice perspective" – International Conference on Flood Management, Leeds (UK).
  • 29.06.2017: “Missing the exit – Can binding land-use plans meet changing land use needs?” - LANDac conference, Utrecht (NL).
  • 18.05.2017: “Water Management on Private Land: Upscaling Nature-Based Solutions” – Dresden NEXUS conference, Dresden (DE).
  • 23.02.2017: “Role of the state and role of property in land policies exploring tendencies in Swiss and Dutch land policy” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 23.02.2017: “Urban planning in a suburban world: Germany’s regional land-use plans” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 24.02.2017: “Compulsory land acquisition in the Netherlands” – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Hong Kong (CN).
  • 10 .11.2016: "Role of the state and role of property - Comparing recent tendencies in Swiss and Dutch land policy" – Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 10.11.2016: "Understanding rationales of land policy – The development of an analytical framework" – Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 10.11.2016: "Urban land readjustment – voluntary or mandatory?" –  Symposium Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development, Apeldoorn (NL).
  • 19.09.2016: "Flood Label for buildings – a tool for more flood-resilient cities" – European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016), Lyon (F).
  • 24.05.2016: "The clumsy city by design: a theory for Jane Jacob’s imperfect cities?" – Conference on Jane Jacobs' 100th anniversary, at TU Delft (NL).
  • 23.02.2016: "Clumsy Cities - Justice and Urban Design" – AESOP Thematic Group Meeting Ethics, Values & Planning "New spaces of inequality", Wageningen (NL).
  • 22.02.2016: "Responsive Partizipation zur aktiven Einbeziehung von Bürgern zum Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan" – Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund.
  • 17-19.02.2016: "Active land policy in small municipalities in the Netherlands: we don’t do it, unless..." – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Bern (CH).
  • 14.07.2015: "Constructing risks - internalisation of flood risks using the process of the flood risk management plans" – AESOP congress 2015, Prague (CZ).
  • 14.07.2015: "Designing a PSS for responsive participation for flood resilient cities" – AESOP congress 2015, Prague (CZ).
  • 28.05.2015: "New governance schemes for frontiers of land and water governance" – World Water Congress, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 26.05.2015: "The flooding game - Flood Retention in the light of economic theory" – World Water Congress, Edinburgh (UK).
  • 26.02.2015: "Legitimizing differentiated flood protection levels - Consequences of the European Flood Risk Management Plan" – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Volos (GR).
  • 24.02.2015: "Property rights and climate change: land-use under changing environmental conditions" – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Volos (GR).
  • 15.12.2014: "Frontiers of land and water governance in urban areas" – Webinar of IWRA.
  • 09.10.2014: "Legitimacy in contemporary flood risk management" – Workshop "Resilience", Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL).
  • 09.07.2014: "What’s the right thing to protect – Justice and flood risk management" – AESOP congress 2014, Utrecht (NL).
  • 13.02.2014: "Implementing the flood risk management plan" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Haifa (IL).
  • 13.02.2014: "Conditional property rights in planning - reflections on time and scale" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights in Haifa (IL).
  • 07.11.2013: "Modes of Governance for the European Flood Risk Management Plan" – "Water and Planning - the Fluid Challenge", The World Town Planning Day, Online Conference.
  • 31.10.2013: "Modes of Governance in German and Dutch Water Law – The Framing of a Common Management of Water and Land" – Conference "Water and Ocean Law in Times of Climate Change", Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht (NL).
  • 24.10.2013: "Der Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan – Anforderungen und Konsequenzen zum Zusammenspiel von Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft" – Colloquium "Die Elbe im Spannungsfeld von Hochwasserschutz, Naturschutz & Schifffahrt", Magdeburg (DE).
  • 18.07.2013: "Spatial water planning - Comparing German and Dutch water law" – AESOP/ACSP Joint Congress 2013, Dublin (IR).
  • 07.03.2013: “Der Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan – Herausforderung für Wasserwirtschaft und Raumplanung” – 36. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium (DE).
  • 13.02.2013: "Dilemmas of public involvement in urban development: Comparing the Dutch and German approaches to land management" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Portland (Oregon, USA).
  • 13.02.2013: "Regulating resistance and resilience: Performance-based and condition-based water and planning legislation in Germany" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Portland (Oregon, USA).
  • 16.11.2012: "Lock-in situations in planning: The role of law and property rights" – 10th meeting of the AESOP thematic group on Complexity & Planning, Groningen (NL).
  • 09.02.2012: "Planning by Law and Property Rights Reconsidered" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Belfast (UK).
  • 09.02.2012: "Participation in Planning Law - beyond municipal boundaries" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Belfast (UK).
  • 28.05.2011: "Managing riverside property: the struggle between water managers and spatial planners" – Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton (CA).
  • 27.05.2011: "Planning by law and property rights: the need for a better theory" –Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Edmonton (CA).
  • 19.05.2011: "Geo-risico governance" – Plandag, Brussel (B).
  • 25.03.2011: "Bodenpolitik um den Flüssen Raum zu geben" - Symposium: Wasser(politik) zwischen Privateigentum und Gemeingut, Kassel (DE).
  • 11.02.2010: 'Land Policy for Rivers - Responses to the German Flood Control Act' – International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Dortmund.
  • 24.11.2009: "Distributional Effects of Land Policy for Extreme Floods" - APSA conference 2009, Ahmedabad (India).
  • 16.07.2009: "Clumsy Floodplains - responsive land policy for extreme floods" - AESOP conference 2009, Liverpool (UK).
  • 13.02.2009: "Clumsy Floodplains - towards a responsive land policy for extreme floods" –International Academic Conference on Planning, Law, and Property Rights, Aalborg (DK).
  • 08.07.2008: "Polyrational Land Policy for Extreme Floods - Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – ACSP/AESOP Joint Congress, Chicago, Illinois (USA).
  • 14.02.2008: "Polyrational Land Policy for Extreme Floods" – Planning Law and Property Rights Symposium 2008, Warszawa (PL).
  • 13.07.2007: "Making Land Available - Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – AESOP Congress 2007, Naples (IT)
  • 07.02.2007: "Large Areas for Temporary Emergency Retention" – Inaugural Symposium on Planning, Law and Property Rights, Amsterdam (NL).
  • 24.07.2006: "Mobilization of Retention Areas - Strategies for the optimum mobilization of areas for retention of extreme flood events" – AESOP PhD Workshop, Bristol (UK).
