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Department of Spatial Planning
Research Group

Ben Davy

Former Chair


Ben Davy is a former Chair of Land Policy, Land Management, and Municipal Geoinformation (TU Dortmund University) and since 2019 Visiting Professor of Law (University of Johannesburg).

He was President of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) and of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).  He was Essay Editor of Planning Theory, co-editor of the Town Planning Review, and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the American Planning Association. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the American Planning Association and Planning Theory and Practice.

Ben Davy is a co-founder of the AESOP Thematic Group Planning, Law, and Property Rights and a co-founder and co-coordinator of the AESOP Thematic Group Planning Theories (plural).

Davy has published on planning theories, property, border studies, and spatial justice. His main scientific contribution is the theory of polyrationality, first presented in the 1997 book Essential Injustice, later refined in the 2008 article Plan it without a condom!

Recent publications

Benjamin Davy (2024) Animal personhood, property, and compensation. Symposium: Animals in constitutional law (International Association of Constitutional Law). Online: 

Benjamin Davy (2024) The German Verkehrswert (market value) of land: Statutory land valuation, spatial planning, and land policy. Land Use Policy 136, 106974 (Open Access:

Ben Davy wears a grey suit, blue shirt,  and a red tie © Ben Davy​/​TU Dortmund
E-Mail: benjamin.davy(strudel)