Katharina Künzel
Research Assistant

Katharina Künzel is a PhD student at the Chair of Land Policy, Land Management, and Municipal Surveying at TU Dortmund University. She first joined the group in 2022 as a student assistant, later working as a research assistant while completing her studies. Her research has focused on densification policies and the role of different landowners in urban development. For example, in the student project "Grund zum Wohnen" she already conducted research on the interests and motivations of landowners in relation to municipal strategies of densification. It is therefore not inconvenient that she is collaborating in the SUBDENSE research project with project partners from Liverpool (UK), Paris (FR) and Dresden (DE) on the topic of suburban densification. In her PhD, she will explore inter- and intragenerational inequalities in housing provision and how landowners shape these dynamics.
2023 - today Resarch assistant at Research Project SUBDENSE
2023 - 2024 MSc Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University with thesis: "Densifying Suburbia: Developers' initiative and planners' inertia?", analysing developers' behaviour in densifying suburban areas of Dortmund.
2021-2023 Student assistent at the Chairgroup of Land Policy and Land Management TU Dortmund University
2019-2023 BSc Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University with thesis: "Land gained? The impact of the Building Land Mobilization Act on municipal building land strategies of growing municipalities."
Künzel, Katharina; Korekt, Julius; Artmann, Niklas; Blankertz, Sören; Böhrk, Lilly; Render, Josephine (2024). Urban Densification: Understanding landowners' inertia in building on vacant lots. disP - The Planning Review, 60(2), 40-51. DOI: doi.org/10.1080/02513625.2024.2424124.
Künzel, Katharina; Hengstermann, Andreas; Hartmann, Thomas (2024). Shaping the debate on land policies in Europe. Raumentwicklung – ARL-Journal für Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2024(1), 73.
Künzel, Katharina; Hengstermann, Andreas; Hartmann, Thomas (2023). International reflections on Munich’s land policy. ARL Nachrichten, 2023(2-3), 64-66.
Since 2024:
PhD Co-Coordinator at International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR)
Since 2023:
Member of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR)
Organisational Assistant of ARL's International Working Group of Land Policy in Europe
04.03.2025: “Densifying Suburbia: Developers’ initiative and planners’ inertia?" - Presentation at the Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) conference at the University of Cardiff.
04.05.2023: "Urban Densification: Understanding landowners‘ inertia in building on vacant lots" - Presentation at the Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) conference at the University of Michigan.