Dr. Gabi Hartmann
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Gabi Hartmann has a special expertise in practice and teaching on GIS, cartography, and remote sensing.
Since 2022, Gabi Hartmann is team leader for the geodata centre of the City of Hagen.
Since 2020, Gabi Hartmann teaches planning cartography in the BSc programme Spatial Planning.
2010 she completed her PhD on "Automated Image Interpretation - The Future of Remote Sensing in Municipal Planning" at TU Dortmund. She studied geography at TU Dresden with a specialisation in GIS, cartography, photogrammetry and remote sensing.
Between 2010 and 2021, she worked as senior consultant at ARCADIS, department Asset Data Management, Amersfoort, The Netherlands and GIS specialist at BIM/GIS Research Center of Ballast Nedam Engineering, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. 2005-2010 she was research assistant at the chairgroup Land Policy and Land Management, where she taught GIS, cartography, and remote sensing.