LAND4FLOOD Conference 2023
The conference is now over! For pictures to get an impression about the event, see in our gallery at the bottom of this webpage!
The IWRA Task Force Land4Flood Network has organized, in cooperation with IWRA, its latest Land4Flood conference in Dortmund, Germany, from September 27 to 29, 2023. The conference was hosted by the “Land policy and land management" research group, part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund University.
Theme: Land for flood risk management and resilience
Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of floods, causing higher fatalities and costs. Traditional flood protection measures provide only limited protection and can be complemented by nature-based solutions for flood risk management and resilience. Such measures not only serve to reduce risk, they also provide additional ecosystem services including increased biodiversity and recreation opportunities. However, a common characteristic of nature-based measures is that they need more land than traditional measures.
This LAND4FLOOD conference provides a platform to exchange and discuss ideas to enhance water storage within catchments – in the hinterland, along the river on floodplains and in polders, and in cities. The focus of the upcoming conference is on land – as a biophysical system (including hydrological aspects), a socio-economic resource, and a solution to flood risk management.
To present, discuss and take part in current topics and research please join us at LAND4FLOOD 2023 in Dortmund (Germany)!
Themes to be covered at the conference include
- the hydrological effectiveness of nature-based measures for flood retention
- conflicts between land uses when implementing nature-based measures
- regulatory aspects of nature-based solution implementation and
- financial considerations
Key questions to be discussed at the conference include:
- Which synergies can be identified between different land uses and the provision of flood storage and ecosystem services?
- How can the knowledge base about advantages and potentials of natural water retention measures, and flood retention at different scales be strengthened, and their importance communicated to different actors or stakeholders?
- How can landowners be encouraged to adapt their land use and land management strategies which allow for increased water retention capacity?
- How can public and private actors in urban and rural areas engage with each other to reduce flood damage through a comprehensive management plan based on the implementation of retention and resilience measures throughout the catchment?
The first of a series of LAND4FLOOD conferences, will be held in Dortmund, Germany in September 2023. The aim of these conferences is to bridge the policy-science gap by bringing together experienced and young scholars, stakeholders and policymakers. Young career researchers are especially encouraged to submit their work.
The conference will be held at the Department of Spatial Planning of TU Dortmund University, Germany 27-29 September 2023. Abstract submission is now open. The registration fee for the conference will be €210 for regular participants, and €160 for students. An additional fee for the conference dinner will be €65. Registration will open soon.
Please keep in mind the following key dates :
Key Dates
10 May | Extended deadline for Abstracts |
23 June | Notification of acceptance |
28 June | Start Early Bird Registration |
23 August | Deadline Early bird registration and payment |
10 September | Final Registration deadline and payment |
27 September | Start of the Conference |
The LAND4FLOOD network
The LAND4FLOOD conference series is one of the outcomes from the LAND4FLOOD COST Action. The LAND4FLOOD network brings together academics and professionals in flood risk management across Europe and beyond to support the implementation of spatial flood risk management on private land. Following the end of the Cost Action in 2022, the LAND4FLOOD Task Force was formed under the umbrella of the International Water Resources Association to further focus on natural flood retention on private land.
Contact: land4flood2023land4floodeu
The North Campus with its main cafeteria, central library and main auditorium forms the heart of TU Dortmund University. Another smaller campus is located further south. The H-Bahn connects the two campuses and runs every five minutes.
The conference takes place at the South Campus of the University.
A map of the campuses can be found here. Main activities take place at the Building of Spatial Planning (Building 30 on the map) and at the Rudolf Chaudoire Paviljon (Building 41 on the map).
By Train
TU Dortmund University has its own train station ("Dortmund Universität"). From there, suburban trains (S-Bahn) leave for Dortmund main station ("Dortmund Hauptbahnhof") and Düsseldorf main station via the "Düsseldorf Airport Train Station" (take S-Bahn number 1, which leaves every 15 or 30 minutes). Dortmund Hauptbahnhof is connected to the InterCity Express (ICE) network of Deutsche Bahn.
By Plane
Düsseldorf Airport, 60 kilometers from Dortmund, offers world-wide air connections. It can be reached directly from the university's train station using suburban train S1, but it is normally faster to use the suburban train to Dortmund main station and then take a regional train ("Regional Express") to Düsseldorf, which makes fewer stops than the suburban trains.
Homepage of Düsseldorf Airport
By Car
The campus of TU Dortmund University is located close to interstate junction Dortmund West, where the Sauerlandlinie A 45 (Frankfurt-Dortmund) crosses the Ruhrschnellweg B 1 / A 40. The best interstate exit to take from A 45 is "Dortmund-Eichlinghofen" (closer to Campus Süd), and from B 1 / A 40 "Dortmund-Dorstfeld" (closer to Campus Nord). Signs for the university are located at both exits. Also, there is a new exit before you pass over the B 1-bridge leading into Dortmund.
To get from Campus Nord to Campus Süd by car, there is the connection via Vogelpothsweg/Baroper Straße. We recommend you leave your car on one of the parking lots at Campus Nord and use the H-Bahn (suspended monorail system), which conveniently connects the two campuses.
The H-Bahn
The H-Bahn, a suspended monorail connection between Campus Nord and Campus South, is one of the hallmarks of TU Dortmund University. There are two stations on Campus Nord. One ("Dortmund Universität S") is directly located at the suburban train stop, which connects the university directly with the city of Dortmund and the rest of the Ruhr Area. The other station is located at the dining hall at Campus Nord and offers a direct connection to Campus Süd every five minutes.
All hotels mentioned here are situated in the city center.
Getting to the university campus by public transport is possible using the Sbahn 1 from Dortmund main station or Ubahn U42 / bus 440 from elsewhere in the city center.
NH Hotel – Königswall 1
Phone: 0049 0231 905 50
The Grey Hotel - Schmiedingstraße 11
Phone: 0049 231 419 103 00
Hotel Esplanade - Burgwall 3
Phone: 0049 231 585 30
Mercure Hotel Dortmund – Kampstrasse 35
Phone: 0049 231 589 70
Hotel Unique Dortmund - Hoherwal 38
Phone: 0049 231 560 500
In 2022, the LAND4FLOOD Task Force was formed under the umbrella of IWRA to further focus on natural flood retention on private land. Learn more about our goals and activities here.
The IWRA LAND4FLOOD Task Force is initially mainly composed of former COST Action members (CA16209). The Task Force aims to include new members as well. The Task Force will sustain mutual productive collaboration, networking, and collaboration with IWRA.
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) is an multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral network of experts on water resources. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, international member based Association established in 1971.
The IWRA provides a global, knowledge and research based forum working at the interface of science and policy for the sustainable use and management of the world’s water resources. The goal of IWRA is to improve and expand the understanding of water issues through education, research and information exchange among countries and across disciplines. IWRA seeks to continually improve water resource decision-making by improving our collective understanding of the physical, ecological, chemical, institutional, social, and economic aspects of water.
IWRA is deeply committed to the sound management of water resources through:
- Providing an international forum for discussing and exchanging on water resource issues.
- Advancing water resources and related environmental research.
- Promoting water education throughout society by improving global access to relevant data and information.
- Enhancing the quality of knowledge used in decision-making.
- Improving exchanges of information and expertise.
- Networking with other organisations to advance common interests and goals.
More information on IWRA and how to become a member at www.iwra.org.
Lenka Slavikova, Action Chair - J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
Thomas Hartmann, Action Vice-Chair - TU Dortmund University, Germany
Nejc Bezak, WG1 Leader - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Antje Bornschein, WG1 Co-Leader - TU Dresden University, Germany
Sally Priest, WG2 Leader - Flood Hazard Research Center, United Kingdom
Arthur Schindelegger, WG2 Co-Leader -TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Dennis Collentine, WG3 Leader - University of Gavle, Sweden
Kristina Veidemane, WG3 Co-Leader - Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia
Barbara Warner, STSM Coordinator - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), Germany
Johan Barstad, Communications Manager -Center for Innovative Urban-, Industrial- and Social Development, Norway