International team of researchers meet in Paris to discuss progress in the ORA7 project SUBDENSE
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SUBDENSE examines the effects of densification in suburban areas under different planning frameworks, focussing in particular on the role of local actors and landowners. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives on space, actors and policies in suburban densification.
The meeting took place at the Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN), where two intensive days of discussions were held. Particular insights were provided by presentations on completed and ongoing publications from the project, which provided valuable impetus for the transnational understanding of redensification processes. A central focus was on the integration of geodata-driven, automated analyses of the increase in building volume - a research field of the IGN and the Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) - as well as on the analysis of planning processes taking into account stakeholders and political measures, a focus of the University of Liverpool and the TU Dortmund University. Discussions on the interfaces between geodata-based analyses of densification processes and actor- and policy-oriented research proved to be particularly fruitful in significantly expanding our understanding of the complex drivers of suburban densification.
On the third day, a trip to Strasbourg was on the programme. At the planning office of the Eurométropole, the researchers discussed the latest results with local planners and the geoinformation management team. They then went on an excursion to two suburbs, where examples of suburban redensification were discussed with local project developers and local politicians. This excursion made it possible to link theoretical approaches directly with practice and to gain valuable insights for further research.
The SUBDENSE project shows how important it is for stakeholders from different countries and disciplines to work together in order to find solutions to the challenges of modern urban development. The coming year promises further exciting developments and new impulses to further deepen the understanding of suburban redensification on an international level.
You can find more information about the project here.