New book from LAND4FLOOD in press!
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Together with Carla S. S. Ferreira, Zahra Kalantari and Paulo Pereira, Thomas Hartmann edited a book on "Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation - Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects". It results from the COST Action LAND4FLOOD (
This book provides an overview of the typical nature-based solutions (NBS) used for flood mitigation at different scales and in different areas (e.g. from catchment to hillslope scale; from urban to coastal areas). NBS can provide several ecosystem services, such as water regulation and water quality enhancement, and as such offer relevant technical solutions to complement typical grey infrastructures to mitigate flood hazard and water quality problems. In recent years, political awareness and interest from the scientific community have led to increasing implementation of NBS worldwide.
In light of this trend, this book provides valuable insights into the environmental aspects of NBS, particularly their effectiveness for flood and pollution mitigation, and discusses socio-economic aspects related to the implementation of NBS, including regulatory aspects, cost, and citizens’ perceptions of NBS. Compiling the latest research, the book furthers our understanding of the role of NBS for flood mitigation and its relation to environmental aspects, to guide scientists and stakeholders in future NBS projects. It is intended for the scientific community and stakeholders, such as spatial planners and landscape managers.
The book is in press and shall be released shortly. Find more information on the website of Springer Publishers.